
  • 网络prozone phenomenon;zone phenomenon;banding phenomenon;zonephen menon;zone nomenon
  1. 大肠癌普查筛检指标SPA免疫便潜血试验带现象消除的研究

    Elimination of zone phenomenon in immunological fecal occult blood test of spa for colorectal cancer screening

  2. 膏盐沉积具明显的水平和垂直分带现象。

    The gypsum mineral salt deposition has obvious horizontal and vertical banding phenomenon .

  3. 半个世纪前,G.术前ASE系统性红斑狼疮的狼疮带现象机制研究

    Studies on Mechanisms of the Phenomenon of Lupus Band in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients

  4. 结论MM血清未稀释形成后带现象及尿本周蛋白定性操作不规范是导致MM误诊的重要原因。

    Conclusion The undiluted serum of MM patient containing the highest concentration form postzone phenomenon and mistaken step to analyse Bances Jones proteinuria were important causes to induce misdiagnosis of MM .

  5. 观察到用Ni_(70)Mn_(25)Co_5(质量百分数)做催化剂,高温高压条件下生长金刚石后,合成片内的分带现象以及再结晶石墨中的菱方结构特征。

    It is observed that zoning in the diamond synthetic slices , with catalytic alloy Ni_ ( 70 ) Mn_ ( 25 ) Co_5 ( masspercentage ), and rhombohedral structure of recrystallized graphite occur under high temperature and high pressure .

  6. 与ELA法比较检出率为927%~991%,未发现假阳性及前带现象。

    Compared with ELA , detection rates varied from 92.7 to 99.1 % and no false positives and pre-band of GICA strip assay were found .

  7. 任脉色素沉着带现象的调查

    Investigation on the Pigmentation Phenomenon along the Course of Conception Vessel

  8. 这种分带现象部分地取决于土壤的质地和有机质含量。

    The zonation are partially governed by soil texture and organic matter .

  9. 轨道电路红光带现象分析与处理方法

    Analysis and treatment method of the track red light appearence

  10. 利用平面二维数值模型模拟河口最大浑浊带现象。

    Phenomenon of estuarine turbidity maximum zone is modeled by 2-dimensional numerical model .

  11. 玄武岩中包体橄榄石的分带现象

    The zonal structure of olivine in inclusions within basalts

  12. 从大理岩→滑石矿体→斜长角闪岩具有明显的分带现象。

    It has obvious horizontal zoning from marble , talc ore body to amphibolite .

  13. 台湾地区近期7级以上大地震前的中强地震条带现象

    The Medium Earthquake Stripe before strong Earthquake with Magnitude greater than 7 in Taiwan Recent

  14. 非线性弹性梁中的混沌带现象

    Chaotic Belt Phenomena in Nonlinear Elastic Beam

  15. 人造金刚石合成片内的分带现象

    Zoning in the diamond synthetic slices

  16. 1999年以来台湾及邻近海域7.5级以上强震前的条带现象

    Strip phenomenon before more than 7.5 strong earthquakes in Taiwan and its adjacent sea area since 1999

  17. 梅毒血清试验呈前带现象的妊娠期潜伏梅毒1例

    A Case of Prozone Phenomenon was Showed in Serologic Test for Syphilis in Pregnancy with Latent Syphilis

  18. 耦合海-气环流模式中双热带辐合带现象及其热收支分析

    Double ITCZ phenomenon and analysis of its heat budget in a coupled ocean - atmosphere general circulation model

  19. 研究河口最大浑浊带现象必须使用三维泥沙输运模式。

    It is necessary for using a three dimension sediment transport model to study estuarine turbidity maximum zone .

  20. 凹地苴铜矿矿物在剖面上具从辉铜矿-斑铜矿-黄铜矿-黄铁矿分带现象。

    Metal minerals in Wadizhou copper deposit appear to be zoning of chalcosine bornite chalcopyrite pyrite on the vertical direction .

  21. 会仙峰花岗岩体为燕山早期第三阶段侵入岩,是稀有元素矿化岩体,岩体蚀变具分带现象。

    Huixianfeng granite body is a rare metal mineralized intrusive body of the third stage of early Yanshanian period with zoned alterations .

  22. 实验表明,构造应力对许多内生金属矿产的形成、矿产中成矿元素的分带现象等都具有十分重要的作用。

    And it is shown that the action of stress plays an important role in the formation of many metallic mineral deposits and their zoning .

  23. 研究陆丰官田、西山和毗邻矿段的含金黄铁矿-铁帽型金矿的成矿规律,以及铅锌矿化与含金黄铁矿化的分带现象。

    A series of synthetic experiments of gold bearing pyrite have been carried out in order to investigate the mechanism of the formation of rich gold ores .

  24. 它们保留了成矿流体运移的通道构造,围绕通道构造还显示良好的矿物分带现象,完全可以与现代海底黑烟囱对比。

    The chimney shows the mineral zonation around a tight conduit associated with fluid , which is quite similar to those formed by modern black smoker at sea floor .

  25. 胶体金免疫层析试条具有操作简单、快速等优点,与放射免疫法相比,存在灵敏度低、带现象和不能定量等问题,在临床应用中应加以注意。

    Compared with RIA , the GICA is simple and quick in determination of HCG in urine , but its low sensitivity and zone phenomena should be noted in application .

  26. 在黄土塬地区,由塬面至沟谷底,土壤侵蚀方式存在着垂直分带现象;

    4 , In loess table district , the forms of the soil erosion have regularity of some vertical belt from surface of the table to the bottom of valley ;

  27. 指出广西铁路沿线防护林存在林种结构单一、种植不规范、断带现象严重、造林水平低、防护林总量少等问题。

    During survey of the existing forest , several problems were found such as single forest structure , non-standard planting , discontinuous forest belts , low forestation level , less shelter forests , etc.

  28. 〔方法〕当出现可疑或不确定结果时,通过对实验室技术因素、产生前带现象,个体与方法学差异及早期感染等相关因素的分析,寻找不确定结果产生的原因。

    Method While the indetermination and questionable results appeared , these correlation factors ( the laboratory technology factos , occurring over-antibody phenomenon , difference of individual and methodology and early infection ) were analyzed .

  29. 由五十个这样的单元构成的侧抑制网络能再现鲎复眼侧抑制网络的瞬态特性,而在达到稳态时则表现出马赫带现象。

    A lateral inhibitory network composed of 50 such units could mimic the transient characteristics of the lateral inhibitory network in Limulus , and showed Mach band phenomenon when it reached the steady state .

  30. 通过模拟采场在不同采高下分析发现了在采场的覆岩出现了局部化剪切带现象,且随着开采步距的增加,局部化剪切带区域不断向覆岩上覆扩展。

    Through the simulation of stope different mining heights analysis found in the mining overburden are appear the phenomenon of shear band , and with the increase of mining step , localization shear zone of overlying strata overlying continued to expand .