
  1. 根据期望销售价格、库存维持成本、资金利率等,计算了积压产品的现值。

    Considering expectant sale price , inventory holding cost and interest rates , the present value of the backlog products was calculated .

  2. 随稀土价格走势,积压产品的现值可高于、等于或低于现价,从而目标函数成为分段线性函数。

    With the rare earth price fluctuation , the present value of the backlog products could be higher than , equal to or lower than current price , so the objective function become piecewise linear function .

  3. 第三,估算将来收入流(比如发行衍生产品)的净现值,编造出来的利润。

    Third , profits conjured up by taking the net present value of streams of income stretching into the future , on derivative issuance for example .