
  • 网络product lot
  1. 负责组织新产品批产前的培训。

    Organizing the training before the stage mass production of new products .

  2. 不确定条件下单阶段多产品批处理过程的调度

    The Scheduling of Multiproduct Singlestage Batch Plants under Uncertainty

  3. 采用一个时间轴,建立了具有并行生产线的单阶段多产品批处理过程的调度数学模型。

    A short-term scheduling approach based on rolling time horizon scheme is proposed for multipurpose batch processes .

  4. 波导旋转关节传统的车削装夹方式定位精度低、通用性差,成为产品批生产瓶颈。

    Low orientation precision and poor universality of traditional fixture is the choke point of large-scale production of waveguide rotary joint manufacturing .

  5. 本文介绍了非制冷红外热像仪产品批产过程的控制及关键技术,并提出了几条加强过程质量控制的有效措施。

    This paper introduces the process control and pivotal techniques in uncooled infrared camera batch producing , and presents some available advice to enhance the process quality control .

  6. 讨论了不确定条件下的单阶段多产品批处理过程,基于模糊理论建立了加工时间不确定和顺序相关建立时间不确定的调度模型。

    In this paper , the multiproduct singlestage batch plants under uncertainty are discussed , and the scheduling model with uncertain processing time as well as sequence-dependent setup-time is established based on the fuzzy theory .

  7. 针对存在并行设备的多产品批处理问题,提出了分批方法;在存在中间存储的条件下,以能耗最小为目标,考虑各种约束条件,建立了数学模型。

    Designs the method of partitioning the batch to the multi-product batch processing scheduling problem ; Builds the mathematical model with minimizing the energy consumption , considering all kinds of constraints under the circumstance of exiting middle storage . 3 .

  8. 因间接材料不易直接追溯到其受益对象上,一般将其作为制造费用来处理。直接人工能分清受益的产品批别,间接人工则作为制造费用的一个组成部分。

    Indirect materials are not easily traced to specific units or batches of production and are accounted for as factory overhead . Direct labor is easily identified with given jobs . Indirect labor , on the other hand , is not and is considered part of factory overhead .

  9. 不符合质量规格的原料以一种适当的文件(如检验报告)进行存档。这份文件附在最终产品的批生产记录中。

    Materials , which fail to meet the specification , are documented in an appropriate document ( i.e.analytical report ) . The document is attached for the finished material to the batch production record .

  10. 它们的产品或产品批别在材料的组成和生产的方式上往往不同。

    Often the products or batches of product vary in their material components and manner of production .

  11. 力王开槽机已向有关部门申请工具下乡备选产品已经申批成功!

    Li Wang slotting machine tool has the authority concerned for alternative products to the countryside has been a successful grant application !

  12. 外国制药公司,已获得越南(或其他地方)产品注册可以批给牌照的另一个越南药品生产商。

    A foreign pharmaceutical company that has obtained product registration in Vietnam ( or elsewhere ) can grant the license to another pharmaceutical manufacturer in Vietnam .

  13. 产品试制与批生产过程计算机辅助质量管理分试制与批量管理。

    Computer aided quality management ( CAQM ) for products development ( PD ) and batch production ( BP ) is partitioned into PD and BP quality managements .

  14. 结果:该法对有关物质的混合试样、粗品、降解产品和多批产品的检查结果表明,该法专属性强、灵敏度高。

    The specificity and sensitivity of the method were also studied . Results : The method is shown to be accurate and sensitive by method validation and actural sample analysis .

  15. 应用数理统计的知识,给出了产品抽样检查中批产品被接收(或拒收)的假设方法。

    A hypothesis method of a batch of products received or refused in sampling inspection by means of mathematical statistics was put forward .

  16. 负责新产品过程开发,负责产品批产后的现场工艺管理。

    Be in charge of developing process of new products and on-the-spot manufacturing management after producing products .

  17. 制剂产品的留样必须保存在放行制剂产品批的工厂。

    The retention Samples of the Drug Product must be stored at the Site that releases the Drug Product Batch .

  18. 虽然目前有关复杂产品综合调度问题已有一些研究成果,但还没有复杂产品在批处理设备上的有效的调度方法,因此存在批处理设备的复杂产品调度研究具有理论和实际意义。

    There are some research results for scheduling problem of complex products . But there is no effective scheduling method of single complex product with batch processing machines .

  19. 产品成本计算方法的选择、产品成本计算的品种法、产品成本计算得分批法、产品成本计算的分步法。

    The calculating method of the material cost , the salary and welfare , the power expense , the depreciation and so on ;