
qún xióng gē jù
  • fragmentation of a country by rivaling warlords
群雄割据[qún xióng gē jù]
  1. 美国杜克能源公司(DukeEnergy)首席执行官吉姆罗杰斯(JimRogers)表示,他有意在群雄割据的美国电力市场达成更多交易。

    Jim Rogers , chief executive of Duke Energy , has said he was interested in more deals in the fragmented US power market .

  2. 但是利润率如此之低,以至于即便在群雄割据的新兴平台中,其中的主要交易所也已开始进行合并。

    The margins are so low that even elements in the fragmented world of alternative platforms have started to merge .

  3. 在霸权国家群雄割据的上海,这一群拥有特殊能力的人并没有在表面的世界有着任何的活跃,而在暗中有组织的进行着各种任务。

    In this cosmopolitan city of intrigue , there is a special military spy organization called " Sakurai Kikan " that has since been buried in history .

  4. 韩非生活的时代是一个群雄割据、战乱频繁的动乱时代,所以寻求可以治国安邦的明主以期达到国家的富强与安定就成为其思想发展的必然。

    Han Fei lived in a frequent unrest war era so that seeking a wise monarch to develop a prosperous and stable country was a necessity of his thoughts .

  5. 但事实远非数据显示的这么简单。因为这些数据不可能表现整体状况,而且这些广为流传的数据也无法反映浏览器市场群雄割据的混战局势。

    But the story isn 't so simple as the data tells , because these numbers shouldn 't total 100 percent and the browser market is considerably more fragmented than what these topline numbers indicate .

  6. 我国的叉车市场原本是国内品牌群雄割据的局面,但随着国外大型叉车企业进入中国市场,传统的竞争割据被打破。

    China forklift market was originally a domestic brand " rivalry of Warlords " situation , but along with the foreign large forklift enterprises to enter the Chinese market , the traditional competition rule is broken .

  7. 伴随房地产市场的不断完善和成熟,早期房地产企业群雄割据的市场必然被及时建立全国战略性扩张的房地产企业所分割。

    Accompanied by the real estate market continued to improve and mature , the real estate business which used to divide crowded market in a timely manner was bound to establish a national strategic expansion of the real estate business division .