
qiǎo jiàng
  • craftsman;skilled workman;clever artisan
巧匠 [qiǎo jiàng]
  • [clever artisan;skilled workman] 技艺精巧的工匠

  • 能工巧匠

巧匠[qiǎo jiàng]
  1. 两者都追溯到一个平凡的巧匠,他生活在一位因入侵力量而加冕的异国暴君的统治之下。

    Both culminate with the same ordinary craftsman , living under a foreign tyrant placed on the throne by an invading power .

  2. 他们要拿金线和蓝色、紫色、朱红色线,并捻的细麻,用巧匠的手工做以弗得。

    Make the ephod of gold , and of blue , purple and scarlet yarn , and of finely twisted linen-the work of a skilled craftsman .

  3. 你是个女巧匠,你要买些工具吗?

    You 're the handywoman * Do you need any tools ?

  4. 巧匠难以劣布制美服。

    No man can make a good coat with bad cloth .

  5. 他是一个伟大的巧匠,他指出了一条通向成功的路。

    He is the great manipulator and pointed the way to success .

  6. 但是艾萨克森的传记中暗示他不仅仅是一个巧匠。

    But Isaacsons biography suggests that he was much more of a tweaker .

  7. 毕加索说过:拙工抄,巧匠盗

    Picasso had a saying " good artists copy , great artists steal , "

  8. 请你派定这人,与你的巧匠和你父,我主大卫的巧匠一同做工。

    He will work with your craftsmen and with those of my Lord , David your father .

  9. 勤工出巧匠。

    Work makes the workman .

  10. 他是个很机巧的工匠。(谚)巧匠不挑剔工具。

    He is an artificer of great cunning . The cunning workman does not quarrel with his tools .

  11. 更何况,教会不只垄断教育,而且也拥有财势去雇用技术一流的巧匠。

    Further , the Church not only controlled education but also possessed the wherewithal to employ the most skillful craftsmen .

  12. 你有许多匠人,就是石匠,木匠,和一切能作各样工的巧匠

    You have many workmen : stonecutters , masons and carpenters , as well as men skilled in every kind of work

  13. 他用蓝色,紫色,朱红色线和捻的细麻织幔子,以巧匠的手工绣上基路伯。

    They made the curtain of blue , purple and scarlet yarn and finely twisted linen , with cherubim worked into it by a skilled craftsman .

  14. 又在耶路撒冷使巧匠做机器,安在城楼和角楼上,用以射箭发石。乌西雅的名声传到远方;

    In Jerusalem he made engines , invented by skillful men , to be on the towers and the corners , to shoot arrows and great stones .

  15. 你要用十幅幔子做帐幕。这些幔子要用捻的细麻和蓝色、紫色、朱红色线制造,并用巧匠的手工绣上基路伯。

    Make the tabernacle with ten curtains of finely twisted linen and blue , purple and scarlet yarn , with cherubim worked into them by a skilled craftsman .

  16. 你要用巧匠的手工、作一个决断的胸牌.要和以弗得一样的作法、用金线和蓝色紫色朱红色线、并捻的细麻作成。

    And make a priest 's bag for giving decisions , designed like the ephod , made of gold and blue and purple and red and the best linen .

  17. 盆、铲子、肉锸子,与耶和华殿里的一切器皿,都是巧匠户兰用光亮的铜为所罗门王造成的。

    The pots , the shovels , the forks , and all the equipment for these Huram-abi made of burnished bronze for King Solomon for the house of the LORD .

  18. 与他同工的,有但支派中亚希撒抹的儿子亚何利亚伯;他是雕刻匠,又是巧匠,又能用蓝色,紫色,朱红色线和细麻绣花。

    With him was Oholiab son of Ahisamach , of the tribe of Dan-a craftsman and designer , and an embroiderer in blue , purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen .

  19. 王女阿,你的脚在鞋中何其美好。你的大腿圆润,好像美玉,是巧匠的手做成的。

    How beautiful ar thy feet with shoes , O prince 's daughter ! thejoints of thy thighs are like jewels , the work of the hands of a cunning workman .

  20. 和合本:穷乏献不起这样供物的、就拣选不能朽坏的树木、为自己寻找巧匠、立起不能摇动的偶像。

    NASB : He who is too impoverished for such an offering Selects a tree that does not rot ; He seeks out for himself a skillful craftsman To prepare an idol that will not totter .

  21. 无论是雕刻的工,巧匠的工,用蓝色,紫色,朱红色线和细麻,绣花的工,并机匠的工,他们都能做,也能想出奇巧的工。

    He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as craftsmen , designers , embroiderers in blue , purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen , and weavers-all of them master craftsmen and designers .

  22. 36:8他们中间,凡心里有智慧作工的,用十幅幔子作帐幕。这幔子是比撒列用捻的细麻和蓝色,紫色,朱红色线制造的,并用巧匠的手工绣上基路伯。

    And every wise hearted man among them that wrought the work of the tabernacle made ten curtains of fine twined linen , and blue , and purple , and scarlet : with cherubims of cunning work made he them .

  23. 把金子锤成薄片,剪出线来,与蓝色,紫色,朱红色线,用巧匠的手工一同绣上。

    And they did beat the gold into thin plates , and cut it into wires , to work it in the blue , and in the purple , and in the scarlet , and in the fine linen , with cunning work .

  24. 全国各地的精兵巧匠参与了这场浩大的工程,有72万人被征募参与了陵墓的修建。尽管秦始皇的“寝宫”陵墓至今尚未发现,但据说其“寝宫”比已发现的陵墓更奢华百倍。

    Craftsmen from across China were recruited for the massive project and as many as 720000 laborers were drafted to build it.While Qin Shi Huang 's own final resting place hasn 't been found yet , it 's rumored to be even more incredible than the rest of the complex .