
  • 网络hot chocolate
  1. 我小口喝着她调制的巧克力热饮。

    I sipped the hot chocolate she had made .

  2. 选一个美好的冬夜与最好的伴侣到18世纪建成的萨默塞特府前滑冰。之后到汤姆滑冰酒吧间喝杯加香料的热葡萄酒或巧克力热饮热身,边俯瞰溜冰场。

    Spend a lovely winter evening ice-skatingwith your best gal or guy in front of Somerset House 's 18th-century facade.Warm up afterward with mulled wine or hot chocolate at Tom 's Skate Loungeoverlooking the rink .

  3. 糕点大厨尼古拉·巴切(NicolasBacheyre)制作的巧克力热饮上桌时其实不是热的,而是温的,盛放在传统的利摩日瓷杯里,保证让你以最经典的方式告别巴黎。

    A spot of the pastry chef Nicolas Bacheyre 's chocolat chaud , served warm , not hot , in traditional Limoges porcelain , is guaranteed to send you off in classic style .

  4. 早晨,海克尔酱瓦洛喝他的巧克力热饮。

    Hercule Poirot drank his morning chocolate .

  5. 水果和蔬菜通常都含有大量的抗氧化剂,但是,如果你不喜欢水果或蔬菜的话,来杯巧克力热饮怎么样?

    Fruits and vegetables in general are a great source of antioxidants , but if you 're not in the mood for fruits and vegetables , what about drinking some hot cocoa ?