
  • 网络chocolate egg;Choco Egg
  1. 复活节兔子给你带巧克力蛋了吗蒂娜?

    Did the Easter bunny bring you any chocolate eggs Tina ?

  2. 复活节是我们吃巧克力蛋的时间。

    Easter is the time when we eat chocolate eggs .

  3. 她顺便去了趟冰激凌店,买了一个巧克力蛋筒冰激凌。

    She stopped by the ice-cream shop and had a chocolate cone .

  4. 您的巧克力蛋奶酥马上就来。

    Your chocolate souffl é s will be out momentarily .

  5. 我们把巧克力蛋放在公园里的各个地方了。

    We put chocolate eggs everywhere in the park .

  6. 通过送给对方巧克力蛋来庆祝这个节日真的很不错。

    It is nice to celebrate this festival by giving each other chocolate eggs .

  7. 在复活节,你只有一个巧克力蛋,你会怎么做?

    There is only one chocolate egg at the Easter , What will you do ?

  8. 这些巧克力蛋都是空心的。

    These chocolate eggs are all hollow .

  9. 我的儿子有一个巧克力蛋。

    My son has a chocolate egg .

  10. 杰夫:可以开公司,做复活节巧克力蛋和豆胶糖。

    Jeff : We can start a company to make chocolate eggs and jelly-beans for Easter gifts .

  11. 当一个重达110磅的复活节巧克力蛋在一次伦敦慈善拍卖上筹得7000英镑时,可能有人会问,哪来的经济衰退?

    When a 110-pound chocolate Easter egg fetches £ 7,000 in a London charity auction , one might well ask , what recession ?

  12. 游戏结束后,老师给我们每人一个塑料袋让我们去寻找客厅里的巧克力蛋。

    After the game , Hannah gave each of us a plastic bag and asked us to hunt for eggs at the living room .

  13. 十年前,该公司的产品开始扩展至巧克力蛋、薯片、圣诞节装饰品、学生用品、鞋及婴儿车。

    Ten years ago , the company began to branch out into chocolate eggs and crisps as well as Christmas decorations , back-to-school products , shoes and prams .

  14. 你有没有买足够的巧克力复活蛋?

    Have you bought enough chocolateeaster eggs ?

  15. 救援人员发放包装鲜艳的巧克力复活节蛋,这让孩子们和他们心烦意乱的家人高兴起来。

    Aid workers distributed brightly wrapped chocolate Easter eggs to cheer up the children and their distraught families .

  16. 蒂凡尼的咖啡和点心价格为每份29美元,可选牛油果烤面包、巧克力夹心蛋、烟熏鲑鱼面包圈。

    Their coffee and croissant will cost $ 29 and come with a choice of avocado toast , truffled eggs , or a smoked salmon bagel with schmear .

  17. 通常,甜甜圈表面会裹上糖衣,淋上些许奶油,再撒上白糖。而甜滋滋的果酱、巧克力、蛋奶糊等都可作为酱心原料。

    They 're usually frosted with icing , topped with whipped cream , or sprinkled with sugar . The filling could actually be jelly , jam , chocolate , custard , or something else .

  18. 还有一些家长不小心把巧克力藏太久了,结果巧克力蛋和巧克力兔子都融化了,完全没有造型可言。

    Others accidentally left chocolate hidden too long and ended up with melted eggs or bunnies that didn 't look to appealing anymore .