
  • 网络italian cooking
  1. 他的菜肴代表了意大利烹饪的最高峰。

    His food exemplifies Italian cooking at its best .

  2. 正宗的意大利烹饪对健康非常有益,在意大利心脏病发病率低就是证据。

    Authentic Italian cooking is very healthy ─ witness the low incidence of heart disease in Italy .

  3. 如果有人对外国人提起意大利烹饪,大部分人总是想到意大利馅饼和意大利细面条。

    When one mentions Italian cooking to most foreigners they almost automatically think of pizza and spaghetti .

  4. 海员式沙司(意大利烹饪用的含西红柿、大蒜、洋葱等调制成的)也许会含有肉类在其中,如果你是不吃奶制品的素食主义,连马铃薯片可能都不能吃了,因为里面也许含有乳清蛋白。

    That marinara sauce might have a base made with meat stock , and if you 're avoiding dairy , even potato chips , which contain whey , are off-limits .

  5. 他说,有些粤菜(比如蒜蓉西兰花)必须做得既简单又精细,同样的要求也是意大利烹饪的要义。

    ' The simplicity , but also refinement of some of the Cantonese dishes [ a simple garlic-steamed broccoli , for example ] is an essential part of Italian cooking as well , 'he says .

  6. 最近,纽约人民利用世代传下来的犹太和意大利的烹饪智慧制造出了:披萨百吉饼。

    More recently , New Yorkers drew on the collective genius of generations of Jewish and Italian cooks to produce : the pizza bagel .

  7. 几年前,我读到他在收集一套意大利地方烹饪书籍,这些书印制在厚重的牛皮纸上,用带有波纹的纸板装订,充满了彩色的、几乎是具有卡通色彩的插图。

    A few years ago I read that he collected a line of regional Italian cookbooks , bound with corrugated cardboard and printed on heavy brown paper , all with colourful , almost cartoonish illustrations .

  8. 美国人对于从这些书页中找到的意大利地方烹饪法熟悉已久,因此巴塔利希望他的电视剧集能够帮助提升对西班牙地方特色菜的鉴赏能力。

    While Americans have long been familiar with the kind of Italian regional cooking found on those pages , he hopes that his show will help to increase the appreciation for the regional specialities of Spain .

  9. 尽管法国,意大利和西班牙是烹饪游的热门地区,但这一旅游形式并不受地域和季节的限制。

    While France , Italy and Spain are hot spots for culinary tourism , far-flung destinations and major time commitments aren'trequired .

  10. 而今,意大利各地都可烹饪这种菜肴,包括贝瓦尼亚,意大利名气最大的养猪区的中心地带。

    These days , it 's available all over Italy , including in Bevagna , in the heart of one of the most famous pork-curing regions of Italy .

  11. 传统上意大利面的做法与意大利烹饪法相近。尽管它很有可能是在13世纪蒙古人入侵时从亚洲传入欧洲。

    Pasta is traditionally associated with Italian cuisine , though it may have entered Europe from Asia during the Mongol invasions of the13th century .