
  • 网络the beauty of artistic conception;beauty in artistic conception;image
  1. 试析蒙古族长调民歌的意境美

    On the Beauty of Artistic Conception of the Mongolian Long-tune Folk Songs

  2. 浅谈中学语文散文的意境美

    The Beauty of Artistic Conception of Prose in Middle School Chinese Textbooks

  3. 浅谈我国古代田园风景诗中的色彩感和意境美

    The Color Sense and Artistic Mood of Ancient Chinese Pastoral Poetry

  4. 梦幻悲凉的诗意表达&《野草》的意境美

    Dreamlike , Desolate and Poetic Expression & Conceptive Beauty of Weeds

  5. 试论孙犁小说的意境美创造

    On the Creation of Artistic Beauty in Sun Li 's Stories

  6. 引导学生体味古典诗歌的意境美

    Guiding the Students to Appreciating the Artistic Conception Beauty of Classic Poems

  7. 广告意象美与意境美初探

    A Study of the Beauty of Images and Artistic Conceptions in Advertisements

  8. 园林植物景观的形式美与意境美浅析

    Form Beauty and Poetic Imagery Beauty in Landscaping with Plants

  9. 音乐审美的至高追求:意境美

    The Highest Pursuit in Music Appreciation : the Beauty of Artistic Conception

  10. 文人园林意境美在现代景观设计中的价值

    The Value of Literati Landscape Garden Mood Esthetics in Modern Landscape Design

  11. 论公益招贴的意象美和意境美

    On the Imagery Beauty and Artistic Conception of Public Posters

  12. 宋词园林意境美探微

    An exploration of the aesthetic beauty of gardens created in Song Ci

  13. 其次是诗化的小说语言,营造出一种意境美。

    Followed by the poetic language of the novel can create a Mood .

  14. 表情美、意境美和象征意味是其主要的审美特征。

    Its aesthetic characteristics are the emotion , artistic conception and symbolic meaning .

  15. 这些歌曲具有着别样的韵味,唐诗的格律美和意境美深显其中。

    Such kind of songs possess special aroma with metrical beauty and imagery fantasy .

  16. 论影视意境美的表现形式

    Discuss on Presentation Format of Movie Artistic Conception

  17. 论舞之意境美

    On the Beauty of the Mood of Dancing

  18. 第三章主要论及近代山水画中的意境美。

    The third chapter deals mainly with landscape painting in the mood of modern America .

  19. 试论意境美的创造规律

    Artistic Conception Beauty : Creative Law

  20. 设计水墨的意境美对现代平面设计的影响

    The Influence from the Artistic Conception of " Design Water Ink " to Modern Graphic Design

  21. 浅谈“意境美”教学

    On the teaching of artistic beauty

  22. 浅探东方戏剧的意境美

    Beauty of Mood in Oriental Drama

  23. 观赏竹的美学特征主要体现在自然美、色彩美及意境美。

    Ornamental bamboo in the major aesthetic features natural beauty , color and Artistic Beauty U.S. .

  24. 音乐的意境美一直是二胡艺术追求的一种民族性审美特征。

    Music artistic conception beauty has been the erhu art pursuit of a national aesthetic characteristics .

  25. 中国传统建筑之意境美

    The soul of Chinese traditional building

  26. 虚实关系是中国绘画美学的重要课题,虚实对比显示中国画的意境美。

    The relationship between nothingness and essence is an important subject in Chinese aesthetics of painting .

  27. 中国古典诗歌的意境美就能够最大程度的传递。

    The beauty of artistic conception of classical Chinese poetry may be delivered to the maximum degree .

  28. 新闻的审美特征,主要表现为语言美、意境美和情感美。

    The aesthetic traits are mainly reflected in the beauties of language , artistic conception and sentiments .

  29. 栖居在诗意中&论王维山水诗的意境美

    Living in the Poetic Environment & A Discussion on Artistic Conception of Wang Wei 's Landscape Poetry

  30. 当代国画家也应勇于和勤于对意境美的探索和创造。

    Contemporary traditional Chinese should also be brave and diligently to explore and create beautiful artistic conception .