
  1. 她将膏药贴在他的膀子上。

    She applied the plaster on his shoulder .

  2. 如果你对这些膏药贴过敏,请立即拿掉,并谘询你的医生。

    If you are allergic to any of these plasters , please immediately remove them and consult your doctor .

  3. 他脱去半边衬衫,把一块膏药贴在右肩的三角肌上,然后穿好衣服,上车继续前进。

    Pulling off , half his shirt , he stuck a plaster on his right deltoid , and pulling his shirt back , continued on his way .

  4. 倾盆大雨把他的衬衫像贴膏药一样贴在他身上。

    The downpour plastered his shirt to his body .

  5. 每贴膏药应贴在不同部位,以避免刺激皮肤或导致其他问题。

    Apply each patch to a different area of skin to prevent skin irritation or other problems .

  6. 从散剂外敷法、膏药敷贴法、局部涂擦法、脐疗法、透皮疗法等方面总结中医药外治癌性疼痛的研究进展。

    The paper summarized the progress in treatment of cancer pain with external treatment of TCM , from these aspects , such as paving with pulvis , application method of sticking plaster , local inunction , omphalo-therapy , and so on .

  7. 根据中医内病外治理论,研制出治疗急性支气管炎的外用膏药咳喘一贴康。

    According to the theory of " internal disease is treated with external therapy " in TCM , a externally applied medicinal plaster , Ke Chuan Yi Tie Kang was developed for treatment of cough with dyspnea .

  8. 膏药往身上贴时要哈口热气,然后往疼处一粘,就和皮肤贴一起了。

    Plaster affixed to the body heat when Ha mouth , and then to the pain at a sticky paste on the skin and along with the .