
  • 网络cream formula;oral paste
  1. 颜德馨教授善用膏方治疗老年病。

    Professor Yan Dexin is good at the treatment for senile diseases .

  2. 清肺膏方治疗慢性支气管炎52例临床观察

    Clinical Observation of Lung-clearing paste in Treating 52 Cases of Chronic Bronchitis

  3. 膏方防治支气管哮喘58例

    Clinical Observation of Herbal Paste in Treating 58 Cases of Bronchial Asthma

  4. 论妇科膏方与临床应用

    Herbal Paste in Gynecology and Its Clinical Application

  5. 儿科膏方的临床应用

    Clinical Application of Herbal Paste in Pediatrics

  6. 徐进康教授应用膏方治疗脾胃病经验

    Xu Jinkang 's Experience in Treating Diseases of Spleen and Stomach with Soft Extract of Chinese Medicine

  7. 探讨传统膏方在治未病中的临床体现

    Discussion of the Clinical Effect of the Traditional Cream in the " Treating Disease before its Onset "

  8. 介绍陈以平教授应用膏方治疗慢性肾脏疾病的经验。

    This paper presents professor Chen Yiping 's experience in the treatment of chronic kidney diseases with herbal extracts .

  9. 另外膏方在服膏过程中即可改善患者疲劳状态,且停药后疗效仍稳定。

    In addition , herbal extract can improve patient fatigue state , and after stopping treatment remained stable . 4 .

  10. 并系统论述了膏方在哮喘防治中的优势、应用及注意点。

    And it systematically discusses the advantages of the Paste in the prevention and treatment of asthma , application and noticeable point .

  11. 介绍陈以平教授运用膏方治疗黄褐斑、美尼尔氏综合征;

    This paper presents professor Chen Yipings experience in the treatment of chloasma , Menieres disease , baldness , kidney stone with hydronephrosis .

  12. 根据中医治未病理论,可运用中药汤剂,冬令膏方,穴位敷贴等方法进行预防性治疗。

    Under TCM theory of " treat pre-disease ", we can apply TCM decoction , winter cream formulae and acupoint application for preventive treatment .

  13. 在全市首家开展“四季膏方”治疗和预防各种慢性病、亚健康状态等,受到广大群众赞誉;

    In whole town first are begun " the four seasons creams square " cure and precaution all sorts of chronic , inferior health , get broad masses recognition ;

  14. 广州地区名中医脾胃病验方统计分析徐进康教授应用膏方治疗脾胃病经验

    STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF FAMOUS DOCTORS ' PROVED RECIPE OF SPLEEN AND STOMACH DISEASE IN GUANGZHOU Xu Jinkang 's Experience in Treating Diseases of Spleen and Stomach with Soft Extract of Chinese Medicine

  15. 择时治疗组:在采用原中西医结合内服药(激素长程疗法和中药补肾膏方等)基础上予肾敷灵外敷。

    An treatment group : in the original combine traditional Chinese and western medicine medicine ( hormones long-range therapy and Chinese medicine cream party kidney ) basis to renal apply spirit external treatment .

  16. 结论:(1)七白膏加减方对D-半乳糖衰老小鼠有延缓皮肤衰老的作用。

    Conclusion : ( 1 ) seven white cream plus or minus can delay the skin ageing in the D-galactose mice .

  17. 蠲痹膏及其配伍方治疗寒湿型强直性脊柱炎的临床研究

    Clinic Study on the Treatment of Ankylosing Spondylitis of Cold-dampness Syndrome with Juan Bi Gao and Its Decomposed Recipe