
tōng jīng huó luò
  • clearing and activating the channels and collaterals
通经活络[tōng jīng huó luò]
  1. 有人认为这种疗法能通经活络、行气活血、缓解肌肉疲劳。

    Some say the technique increases blood flow and helps a person 's sore muscles heal .

  2. 如此反复数次,可通经活络,改善眼部血液循环。

    Relapse several times so , but loose of stimulate the menstrual flow , improve circulation of eye ministry blood .

  3. 结论:针刺法治疗具有祛风散寒,通经活络,祛瘀镇痛的作用。

    Conclusion : Acupuncture has an effect of removing wind and dispersing cold , clearing meridians and collaterals , eliminating stasis to relieve pain .

  4. 有人认为,痛经病人适量饮点酒能通经活络,扩张血管,使平滑肌松弛,对痛经的预防和治疗有作用。

    Some people think that , dysmenorrhea patients appropriate to drink liquor point-the active , expanding blood vessels , smooth muscle relaxation on the prevention and treatment of dysmenorrhea a role .

  5. 方法根据经络学说的理论和针炙的临床实践经验[1],选取具有通经活络、补气生血作用的穴位,运用按摩手法按压穴位进行治疗,定名为指针疗法。

    Methods On the basis of meridian theory and acupuncture practical experience in clinic , selecting the points with the functions of expediting channel and activating meridian , invigorating vital energy and blood , pressing these points through massage tact , and the above therapeutic method was named finger therapeutics .