
  • 网络Sericulture
  1. 超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)在蚕业上的研究进展

    Research Progresses of Superoxide Dismutase in Sericulture

  2. EM应用于蚕业生产的试验初报

    A Small Report on EM Trial in Sericulture

  3. QTL研究及其在蚕业上的应用前景

    QTL Research and Its Application Prospect in Sericulture

  4. 据国际蚕业委员会(InternationalSericulturalCommission)介绍,中国去年的产出下跌15%,至8.4万吨,而2009年末开始的干旱,已进一步降低了产量。

    Chinese output fell 15 per cent to 84,000 tonnes last year , according to the International Sericultural Commission , and a drought that began in late 2009 has further reduced production .

  5. 通过人均GDP指标对各省市的经济发展水平进行区域归类,就我国经济发展与蚕业分布之间的关系进行了研究。

    Relationship between the economic development and sericulture in our country was studied through regional classification of the economic development level of the provinces and cities by the GDP for the average of population .

  6. 家蚕软化病是一类严重影响蚕业生产的病害,家蚕传染性软化病病毒(Bombyxmoriinfectiousflacherievirus,BmIFV)作为导致该病的重要病原之一,曾引起国内外学者的广泛关注。

    The flacherie disease of silkworm is a serious disease of sericulture . Bombyx mori infectious flacherie virus ( BmIFV ) is one of the important pathogen to cause flacherie disease , which has paid extensive attention from scholars .

  7. 家蚕核型多角体病毒(BmNPV)是蚕业生产上最常见且危害最严重的一类病原,一旦爆发对蚕业影响巨大,如何增强家蚕对该病毒的抗性一直是蚕业研究的热点。

    Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus ( BmNPV ) is one of the most common and damaging pathogeny in the silkworm , which does great harm to sericulture once explosion . So the research on how to enhance the resistance of silkworm to BmNPV is of great scientific and practical value .

  8. 蚕茧市场管制与蚕业区域转移

    The Performance on Cocoon Market and the Sericulture Shift Among Regions

  9. 中日两国蚕业经营和技术的比较研究

    Comparative study of sericultural management and technology between China and Japan

  10. 拓展蚕业发展空间,提升经济、生态、社会效益。

    Broaden sericulture development , enhance economic , ecological and social benefits .

  11. 陕桑402已通过北方蚕业科研协作区审定。

    Now it is approved by the northern silkworm area .

  12. 浅论提高蚕茧品质的蚕业科技创新体系

    Discussion on the Sericultural Technological Innovation System for Improving the Cocoon Quality

  13. 蚕业科学面向21世纪

    An overview of the Sericultural Science Facing the 21st century

  14. 家蚕基因组研究对蚕业学科和产业发展的影响

    The Promotion of Sericulture and Industry by the Research of Silkworm Genomics

  15. 实现蚕业现代化必须突破两个瓶颈

    Breaking out of Two Limitation to Achieve Modernization of Sericulture

  16. 论明清时期浙北农村桑蚕业的发展

    Development of Sericulture in North-Zhejiang Rural Areas during Ming and Qing Dynasties

  17. 21世纪蚕业科学基础研究发展趋势

    Fundamental Research Trends of Sericulture in the 21 st Century

  18. 柞蚕业的发展在我国国民经济中的合理性

    The rationality of the development of tussah industry in national economic construction

  19. 家蚕种质资源是改进养蚕业和丝绸业的物质基础。

    Silkworm germplasm resources are the bases to develop sericulture .

  20. 技术进步与古代湖州桑蚕业的兴盛

    Technical Progress and Prosperity of Ancient Huzhou 's Silkworm Industry

  21. 江都县蚕业调查引起的思考

    Some After-Thoughts of an Investigation on the Sericulture Production of Jiangdu County

  22. 我国蚕业教育机构的科研资源概况

    An Overview on the Scientific Research Resources of Sericultural Universities in China

  23. 贵州蚕业发展形势分析与对策

    Analysis on Development Status of Silkworm Industry and its Countermeasure in Guizhou

  24. 世界野蚕业现状和今后发展的趋势

    The Present Situation and Future Tendency of Tussah Industry in the World

  25. 加强产业基地建设引领现代蚕业发展

    Strengthen the Industry Base Construction to Lead the Development of Modern Sericulture

  26. 改造传统蚕业实现产业化发展

    Reforming the Traditional Sericulture and Realizing the Industrialized Development

  27. 中国蚕业产业化组织模式研究

    Study on Organization Pattern of Sericulture Industrialization in China

  28. 蚕文化与当代蚕业经济

    Sericulture Culture and Sericulture Economy in the Modern Society

  29. 我国蚕业科研机构创新能力的评价与分析

    Evaluation and Analysis of Innovation Ability of Sericulture Scientific Research Institution in China

  30. 我国蚕业分布与区域经济发展水平关系的探讨

    Inquiring Into Relationship Between the Sericultural Distribution and the Regional Economic Developmental Level