
  1. 认为蜀人的大石崇拜最初来自对蚕丛所居之地岷山的崇拜,是大山崇拜的一种表现形式。

    It finds out that worship to great stones derived from worship to Minshan Mountain where silkworms were raised .

  2. 四川素有“蚕丛古国”之称,是中国蚕丝业的发祥地之一。

    Sichuan has the praise of " silkworms clump ancient country ", and it is one of the origins of the Chinese silk industry .

  3. 黄甲镇的养羊产业有着悠久的历史,起源于黄帝,发展于蚕丛,繁荣于当代。

    The ma goat industry of Huangjia has a long history and it dated from Yellow Emperor ( 2697-2589B . C. ), developed in Natural Silk Age and flourishes in the contemporary era .