
  • 网络Black Eye;Black-eyed;Leucistic-Black eye
  1. 他们认为黑眼的豆角和白菜是好运的象征。

    They think black-eyed peas and cabbage are symbols of good luck .

  2. 那些土匪们会把你当成一盘黑眼豌豆一样吃光。

    Them rugheads gonna gobble you up like a plate of black-eyed peas .

  3. 黑眼豆是很多非洲国家的重要作物。

    Cowpeas are an important crop in many African countries .

  4. 她是一个黄发黑眼的女孩。

    She is a girl with yellow hair and black eyes .

  5. 这就是黑眼灯芯草雀奇异的世界。

    That 's the strange world of the dark-eyed junco .

  6. 山东长豇豆病毒的研究Ⅰ黑眼豇豆花叶病的鉴定

    Identification of Blackeye cowpea mosaic virus in Shandong

  7. 迷人的金发黑眼美女。

    An alluring , golden-haired , dark-eyed beauty .

  8. 一些人吃黑眼的豆角和白菜。

    Some people eat black-eyed peas and cabbage .

  9. 嗯,它没有得到任何比黑眼豌豆和科勒德绿汤。

    Mmmm , it doesn 't get any better than Black-Eyed Pea and Collard Green Soup .

  10. 美国许多地区的人吃黑眼碗豆来庆祝新年。

    People in many parts of the United States celebrate the New Year by eating black-eyed peas .

  11. 我是一名狂热的球迷黑眼豌豆,我总是想要同他一起工作。

    I am a huge fan of Black Eyed Peas , and I have always wanted to work with him .

  12. 在她黑眼的纽孔里,袋里乱塞进花束去。

    and thrust a dozen bunches of flowers in the button-holes of her black dress , and in her pockets .

  13. 这条建议对于北美森林中常见的灰色麻雀&黑眼灯草雀好像很奏效。

    That 's a piece of advice that seems to work for dark-eyed juncos , a small , grayish sparrow common in North American forests .

  14. 西非和中非的十个国家参与了这个改善豇豆储藏的项目,豇豆也被称为黑眼豆。

    Ten countries in West and Central Africa are involved in a project to improve the storage of cowpeas , also known as black-eyed peas .

  15. 他瘦得像骨头一样,也坚毅得像骨头,黑眼黑发,加上短短的胡子,活像是团黑影。

    He was near a shadow himself ; bone thin and bone hard , with black eyes and black hair and a stubble of beard .

  16. 我在这个花园与黑眼的苏珊小百合调情多年,但是我确实没有足够的空间公正地对待它们。

    I have flirted with the Black-eyed Susans in this garden over the years , but I really don 't have the room to do them justice .

  17. 我们坚信,通过双方的努力,两省州的友谊将永远像马里兰的黑眼苏珊花那样灿烂,像安徽的杜鹃花那样热烈。

    We believe that through the efforts of both sides , the friendship between your state and our province will forever blossom , just like the black-eyed Susan in Maryland and the azaleas in Anhui .

  18. 歌词是关于老朋友和人们相信如果新年吃的第一种食品是黑眼豌豆,它可以带给人好运。

    The words tell of old friends and good times . Black-eyed peas , which are eaten immediately after midnight , are a favorite food . They are supposed to bring good luck to the person who eats them as his or her first food in the New Year .

  19. 一个已修饰完毕的,弯曲它的颈到背上,长长的红嘴藏没在翅膀里,静静合上它白色的茸毛间的小黑眼,仿佛准备睡眠。

    One of them , after grooming itself , turns round its neck to rest on the back , then buries its long red beak under its wings and quietly closes its small black eyes tucked away among the white find hair . Apparently it is getting ready to sleep .

  20. 愣了好久,我把它捧到卧室里,放在桌子上,看着它,它又愣了半夭,忽然头向左右歪了歪用它的黑眼睁了一下;

    It remained that way for a long while . I took it to my bedroom , put it on the desk and watched it for a few moments . Suddenly it tilted its head Wit and then right , winking its black eyes once or twice , and became still again .