
  • 网络ideology
  1. 文学审美意识形态论的发生、发展及论争

    The Occurrence , Development and Debate of Literary " Aesthetic Ideology "

  2. 我对审美意识形态论的理解

    My Understanding of Aesthetic Ideology

  3. 意识形态论是马克思主义文艺观的核心。

    Ideological theory is the core of Marxist theory of literature and art .

  4. 保罗·德·曼的语言意识形态论

    Paul de Man 's Allegory of Ideology

  5. 因此意识形态论仍然是现时代最重要的哲学社会学研究课题之一。

    So ideological theory is still the most important is the philosophy of one of the Sociology Research .

  6. 从以上观点来衡量,文学的“审美意识形态论”既具有非科学性,又具有非合理性。

    So , it is concluded that the aesthetic ideology in literature is of both non-scientific and irrational features .

  7. 在进入21世纪之后,国内外环境的深刻变化对我国现阶段意识形态论产生影响与冲击。

    After the start of the 21st century , The profound changes in domestic and international environment for China at this stage of the ideological influence and impact .

  8. 2000年第2期《文艺研究》曾发表了《审美意识形态论的再认识》一文。作者指出:审美反映论是文学的第一原理。

    In Re-understanding of Aesthetic Ideology published in volume 2,2002 of Literary Studies , the author points out ," The theory of aesthetic reflection is the first principle in literature " .

  9. 但必须看到,我们对文学诗性本质的认识仍然是有所缺失的,人们依然更注重从外部研究文学,即便是作为现今主流文论话语的审美意识形态论也同样如此。

    However , we must figure out that we are still insufficient on the realization of the poetic essential of literature , people still pay more attention to the research on literature from " outside ", same case with the current mainstream literature discourse & " aesthetic ideology " .

  10. 论文艺意识形态本性论的几个问题

    Problems on nature theory of literature and art ideology

  11. 意识形态文论的实践性研究是马克思主义意识形态理论研究的本体论领域之一。

    Practical study of ideological literature statement is one of the ontological domain of Marxism'ideological theory .

  12. 文学审美意识形态略论

    On Aesthetic Ideology of Literature

  13. 文艺意识形态本性论研究检视漂移的边界:从文学性到文本性

    Perspective on the Study of Essentiality of Literary Ideology The Drifting Boundary : From Literariness to Textuality

  14. 其主要论据集中在以下几个方面:中国军事威胁论、中国经济威胁论、中国生态威胁论、中国意识形态威胁论和中国文明威胁论。

    Evidence of this threat focuses on the military , economic , ecological , ideological , and civilization aspects .

  15. 挑战与应战&从意识形态终结论看我国主流意识形态建设的路径选择

    Challenge and Response : Theory of the End of Ideology and the Path of Mainstream Ideological Construction in China

  16. 马克思早期意识形态思想论析马克思异化观形成的简单疏证

    Exploring into the Depths of Ideology : An Analysis of the Early Marxian Ideology Simply putting the forming of Marxian dissimilation theory in order

  17. 近年来,由于国际和国内因素的影响,在国际和国内分别出现了意识形态终结论和淡化意识形态的思潮。

    In recent years , due to the influence of international and domestic factors , appear " ideology final conclusion " and " desalt ideology " train of thought in international and domestic respectively .

  18. 面对意识形态终结论和非意识形态化的影响和高校的教育和学术交流带来的主流意识形态的弱化,马克思主义在高校意识形态领域的主导地位显著弱化。

    In the face of the effect of " The End of Ideology " and " non-ideological " effect and the university education and academic exchanges brought about the weakening of the Mainstream ideology , the dominance of Marxist ideology in the university area is significantly weakened .

  19. 审美意识形态文学本质论浅析

    Analysis of the " Aesthetic ideology " Literary Essence

  20. 从生命逻各斯到意识形态逻各斯&论伦理与传播的契合及其发展利用对应分析得出5种疾病与血瘀兼证的相关距离表。

    On the Correspondence of Ethics and Communication Correspondence analysis was applied to get the table of correlated distance between disease and subtype of syndrome of blood stasis .

  21. 女性的呐喊&女性主义文学批评中的意识形态性特征简论

    Female Shout & On Ideological Feature of Feminist Literary Criticism

  22. 第四,革命意识形态下的人物论;

    Fourth , under revolution ideology character theory ;

  23. 意识形态之战:论英国对法国革命的干涉

    War on the level of Superstructure & On British Interference in the French Revolution

  24. 目前,忽视思想政治,埋头经济事务;精神状况疲软,功利意识强烈;主流意识形态淡化,过时论、无用论抬头。

    But , at present , ideology and politics are neglected and economic affairs are increase in . Spiritual condition is weak , and utility consciousness is strong . The mainstream ideology is desalinated , and the theory about being out of date and no use of Marxism is rising .

  25. 意识形态不等同于观念上层建筑&审美意识形态论哲学根基分析

    Ideology Is Not Equivalent to Superstructure of Concept & A Philosophical Analysis On Aesthetic of Ideology

  26. 伊格尔顿对西方马克思主义的意识形态理论作了一定的发展,并在此基础上提出了他的文学意识形态论。

    Terry Eagleton has developed the theory of ideology from the perspective of Marxism , and on the base of which he put forward his theory of literary ideology .