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yì zhōng rén
  • the person of one's heart;the person one is in love with
意中人 [yì zhōng rén]
  • [person of ones heart;person one is in love with] 原指心意相知的友人。后多指心中所眷恋的人

  • 药石有时闲,念我意中人。--晋. 陶潜《示周祖谢三郎》

意中人[yì zhōng rén]
  1. 另外,也可留意一下《意中人》中的那高亢的唱腔。

    Also look out for soaring vocals on The Right Man .

  2. 她们通常都很享受“淘气的四十岁”,或许在寻找意中人的过程中会同时跟几个人约会。

    Typically they are enjoying their ' naughty forties ' and may be dating several men casually as they seek a new Mr Right .

  3. 也许一开始它还有点真玩意,比如让哈佛(Harvard)的学生用它寻觅意中人。

    Maybe in the beginning it had something genuine about it , like Harvard students looking for sex .

  4. 不过拉里还有一个机会,著名婚介网站JanisSpindelofSeriousMatchmaking可能会帮他找到意中人。

    But Larry has one more chance - Janis Spindel of Serious Matchmaking .

  5. 这种不真实的体验让我感觉自己有点像《淘金记》(thegoldrush)中的卓别林(charliechaplin)他请意中人共进晚餐,备好了饭菜,左等右等,她却没来。

    This surreal experience left me feeling a bit like Charlie Chaplin in the gold rush , when he invites his love to dinner and prepares the meal and waits but she does not come .

  6. 现在你还是个孩子,还只为自己的意中人操心哪。

    You 're just a child and bothered about your beaux .

  7. 你相信你能找到意中人吗?

    RD : And you 're confident you 'll find somebody ?

  8. 谁谈起自己的意中人都这么说,不是吗?

    Everyone calls his loved one thus , does he not ?

  9. 你所需要的是找一位关系固定的意中人。

    What you need is a steady relationship with someone .

  10. 是的,我还没有遇到我的意中人呢。

    Yes , I haven 't met Miss Right yet .

  11. 我觉得我不是他所喜欢的意中人。

    I suppose I 'm not the Mr Right of her affections .

  12. 她的意中人昏迷不醒是不会有帮助的

    soulmate is in a coma is probably not helpful .

  13. 是呀;可是他喜欢的倒是第二个意中人。

    Yes ; & but he seemed to like his second better .

  14. 有些人用尽一生去寻找他们的意中人。

    Some people go their whole lives looking for their soul mate .

  15. 所以最终你知道或许你可以闻出你的意中人。

    So eventually you know maybe you can sniff the right man out .

  16. 只有我们自己才能找到自己的意中人。

    The only ones who can find girls worthy of us is us .

  17. 意中人:是现实还是一种玩具策略?

    Soul mate : reality or toll true device ?

  18. 没有特别的男人祝我生日快乐,没有意中人。

    No special guy to wish me happy birthday .

  19. 你最想对意中人说的话

    Love the people who is enough for you love

  20. 从那一刻起,他就成了我的意中人,我的主宰者。

    From that moment , he was master of my heart and myself .

  21. 高中时期,你是我的意中人,一直到。

    You were my high school sweetheart , And .

  22. 那妹子已嫁给了意中人,但是她死了。

    The younger wedded the man of her dreams , but she died .

  23. 我将和我的意中人一起去。

    I shall be there with my intended .

  24. 小儿子往往有了意中人而不能结婚。

    Younger sons cannot marry where they like .

  25. 也可能是因为你还未遇到意中人。

    Or it could also be because you haven 't met the right girl .

  26. 但是如果你没有感觉,继续寻找你的意中人。

    But if you had no chemistry , keep looking for that special someone .

  27. 等你的意中人?

    Waiting for the perfect guy ?

  28. 我年轻的时候,我听着收音机,我等候着我的意中人

    When I was young , I 'd listen to the radio , waiting for my favorite

  29. 他们应该享有充分的自由,与任何一位意中人结婚。

    They should enjoy full freedom , and marry with any person of one 's heart .

  30. 你的选择越多,能够找到意中人的可能性也越大。

    The more choice you have , the more likely you are to find the one .