
  • 网络Italian music;music of Italy
  1. 1951年夏,指挥家谢尔盖·库塞维茨基(SergeKoussevitzky)邀请他前往坦格尔伍德指挥波士顿交响乐团,他由此重新回到了指挥台。之后,他以富布赖特学者的身份,又前往罗马研究文艺复兴时期的意大利音乐。

    An invitation from the conductor Serge Koussevitzky to lead the Boston Symphony Orchestra at Tanglewood in the summer of 1951 brought him back to the podium just before he headed off to Rome , on a Fulbright fellowship , to study Renaissance Italian music .

  2. 她的嗓音被认为是意大利音乐界最棒的,特别是她的高音。

    Her voice is considered one of the best of the Italian music scene , particularly recognisable by her high-pitched falsetto .

  3. 这首协奏曲带有意大利音乐风格,旋律优美,富于歌唱性,同时巴赫用复调手法创作,使作品显现出跨地域性的风格特点。

    This concerto is full of Italian music style . It has a beautiful melody and easy to sing . At the same time , Bach used polyphone to create which makes the work full of multi-regional character .

  4. 对意大利歌剧音乐表现手法的创新之处主要体现在剧中主导动机的使用等方面。

    The innovations of the techniques on Italian opera music are mainly embodied in the leitmotiv and the other aspects .

  5. 巴赫在创作《勃兰登堡协奏曲》时将意大利的音乐风格与德国传统的复调音乐风格相结合,使这部作品兼有两种不同的音乐文化特色。

    The combining of the Italian music style and German missionaries music style makes the concertos have both of the musical cultural features .

  6. 本剧是个珍贵的“综合体”,包括法国的故事、意大利的音乐、日本的背景和表演。

    The drama is a precious " complex ", including the story of France , Italy music , Japan 's background and performance .

  7. 斯洛文尼亚的音乐和德国、奥地利和意大利的音乐有紧密关系,因为它们有着同样的历史和阿尔卑斯和海边文化。

    The music of Slovenia is closely related to German , Austrian and istrian because of its common history and alpine and littoral culture .

  8. 意大利歌剧的音乐成就

    The Music Achievement of the Italian Opera

  9. 他曾任教于西班牙巴塞罗那音乐学院、意大利威尔弟音乐学院。

    He 's been an Alexander Technique teacher at the Conservatory of Barcelona , Verdi 's Conservatory .

  10. 以及来自意大利威尼斯的民间音乐。

    Venetian folk music from Italy .

  11. 展馆通过展示意大利在科技、音乐、时尚、建筑等领域的成就,呈现一个充满生气、幸福感的城市。

    This pavilion by display Italy in science and technology , music , fashion , construction achievement , present a vibrant , happiness city .

  12. 意大利歌剧享誉世界,作为其主体的意大利音乐富有浓厚的艺术气息与朴实的古典美。

    As the soul of Italian opera , one of the world-known operas , Italian music is full of artistic and classic features .

  13. 第四章叙述《意大利协奏曲》的美学意义,通过对意大利音乐风格的背景、特点分析,看到巴赫的创作所开创的国际音乐语汇。

    The fourth chapter will focus on the aesthetics aspect of the Italian Concerto . We will see the international style created by Bach through the analysis of background and character of Italian music style .