
  • 网络electone;double key
  1. 在钢琴演奏与艺术指导作曲理论,双排键(包括MIDI)的研究,钢琴室内乐等一系列课程的设置中。

    The curricula of piano performance , art coach , melodizing theory , double lines key of a piano ( including MIDI ) and chamber piano music were studied in this paper .

  2. 作为合奏乐器的双排键电子琴&技术要求与训练方式

    Collaborating Instrument as Electronic Organ & Key Techniques and Training Methodology

  3. 而双排键电子琴的发明,与管风琴是密不可分的。

    And double row key keyboard invention , and organ is inseparable .

  4. 双排键电子琴是一种集编曲、演奏为一体的高级电子键盘乐器。

    Electone is an advanced electronic musical instrument which could arranger and play .

  5. 双排键电子琴起源于日本,并在日本获得长足发展,目前最先进的双排键电子琴技术都源自日本。

    Electronic organ originated in Japan , and got rapid development in Japan .

  6. 浅谈双排键电子琴教学

    Discussion on Electone Teaching

  7. 希望更多的人参与到双排键电子琴的学习和研究中来。

    Hope more and more people take part in the learning and studying of the double row-key electronic organ .

  8. 双排键电子琴是现代电子高科技的发展成果在音乐领域的完美体现。

    Double-keyboard is the development of modern electronic high-technology in the field of music , which is the perfect embodiment .

  9. 双排键电子琴不仅是一种表现力丰富的独奏乐器,也非常适合与其他乐器及人声进行合奏。

    Not only the Electronic Organ is a versatile solo instrument , it collaborates well with other instruments and human voice .

  10. 双排键电子琴不只用来演奏,同时,它丰富的乐器性能又为创作改编提供了广阔的空间。

    Double-keyboard is not only used to performance , its abundant musical instrumental function provide vast space for creation and adaptation at the same time .

  11. 双排键电子琴拥有丰富的音乐表现力,可以演奏各种曲风的音乐作品,能再现交响乐队效果。

    The electronic organ is rich in musical expression . It can play every kind of music , it also can reappear the effects of symphony orchestra .

  12. 本文以小提琴协奏曲《梁山伯与祝英台》为例,结合自己在学习过程中的经验和心得从总谱缩编、制作音色两方面来分析双排键电子琴对管弦乐曲改编的方法。

    ( Including some features of the instrument ) In this article , for example the violin concerto butterfly lovers , I will combine the experience and knowledge from the learning process to focus on the method of score and timbre , which analysis the adaptation of orchestration to Double-keyboard .