
The Political Economy of Grain Double-Track System in China
This study attempts to make a further analysis both theoretically and empirically . In this article three different models of supply respose to the dual price system are developed based on marginal theory , partial regulation model and the theory of price expectation .
Dual Track System in the Protection of Environmental Interests
At the meantime , it gave relief to the unemployed by the unemployment assistance , the Poor Law and the work relief system .
At present , our medical malpractice is basically a practice of " dual system " of the identification system , that is , medical malpractice and judicial appraisal .
By introducing the evolvement of quality-administrating system , and the structure of inner and outer evaluation organization , this paper tries to analyze the characteristics of the dual-track and multiple evaluation institution in Japan , and then expose the real connotation of quality guarantee system of Japanese higher education .