
  1. 中国粮食双轨制度的政治经济学分析

    The Political Economy of Grain Double-Track System in China

  2. 本项研究试图从理论和实证两个方面对此问题做进一步分析,本文利用边际理论、局部调整模型和价格预期理论建立了双轨制度下三种不同的供给反应模型。

    This study attempts to make a further analysis both theoretically and empirically . In this article three different models of supply respose to the dual price system are developed based on marginal theory , partial regulation model and the theory of price expectation .

  3. 论环境利益双轨保护制度

    Dual Track System in the Protection of Environmental Interests

  4. 其次,通过失业救济补贴、济贫法制度和劳动救济制度对失业者提供救济。建立了失业保险制度与失业救济制度相结合的双轨失业保障制度,在一定程度上为失业者提供了生活保障。

    At the meantime , it gave relief to the unemployed by the unemployment assistance , the Poor Law and the work relief system .

  5. 目前,我国医疗纠纷基本上是实行双轨制的鉴定制度,即医疗事故技术鉴定和司法鉴定两种。

    At present , our medical malpractice is basically a practice of " dual system " of the identification system , that is , medical malpractice and judicial appraisal .

  6. 本文拟通过介绍日本高等教育质量管理体系的转移、外部评价及系统内评价制度结构,分析日本双轨、多元评价制度的关系特征,揭示日本高等教育质量保障新体系的真正内涵。

    By introducing the evolvement of quality-administrating system , and the structure of inner and outer evaluation organization , this paper tries to analyze the characteristics of the dual-track and multiple evaluation institution in Japan , and then expose the real connotation of quality guarantee system of Japanese higher education .