
shuāng xì tǒng
  • dual system
双系统[shuāng xì tǒng]
  1. 因为我最喜欢苹果电脑,于是价格那么贵当然买不起,只好在我的主机里可以装上MAC,可以说双系统。

    Because I like Apple , so the price can not afford to buy so expensive , of course , I had no choice but to the host , can be fitted with MAC , can be said that the dual system .

  2. 强实时双系统中容错技术研究

    A Study of Fault Tolerant in Hard Real Time Dual System

  3. 历史街区保护的双系统模式的建构

    Construction of the Mode of Dual System in Conservation of Historic Precincts

  4. 萨尔布吕肯市的双系统低地板城轨车

    The Two-System Low-Floor Tram-Train in Saarbr ü cken City

  5. 网络信息空间双系统集成模式研究

    The Double System Integration Mode on Cyber Space

  6. 随着对雷达可靠性需求的日益提升,雷达数据处理双系统应运而生。

    With the need of high reliability , dual radar data processing system is generated .

  7. 双DSP系统在某光电跟踪产品中的应用

    Application of Double DSPs Hardware Structure in a Photoelectric Tracking Product

  8. 基于遗传算法的双旋翼系统的PID控制器设计

    PID Controller Design Based on Genetic Algorithms for Twin Rotor MIMO System

  9. 双旋翼系统的PID参数整定与神经网络辨识

    PID Parameters Tuning and Neural Network Identification of the Twin Rotor MIMO System

  10. 硬件上通过双CPU系统结构,实现对低压侧数据信号的采集与计算;

    The double CPU system is used in the data acquisition and calculation .

  11. 双馈系统中双PWM变换器的热设计

    Thermal Design of Double-PWM Convertor in Double-fed System

  12. CAN总线技术的双CPU系统智能温控仪表

    Intellectual Temperature Control Meter Based on CAN Bus

  13. 并采用双CPU系统模式,提高了综合保护的功能和可靠性。

    It employs double CPUs system , which has enhanced the function and reliability of the synthetical protection .

  14. He-Ne激光泵浦的电光双稳系统中的动力学存储

    A Dynamical Memory Function of an Electro-optical Bistable System Pumped by a He-Ne Laser

  15. 采用双CPU系统以提高数据采集速度和数据处理能力。

    It also uses double CPU system to increase the speed of data collection and the capacity of data processing .

  16. 基于NiosⅡ的双网卡系统设计

    Design of Dual Net Card System Based on Nios ⅱ

  17. 本文从理论上计算及分析了带有延时反馈回路的Bragg型声光双稳系统的双稳特性及非稳特性。

    The dynamic and stationary equations for a bragg acousto-optic bistable system with a delay in the feedback loop have been derived .

  18. 在烃类的热解气相色谱中,使用氧化铝色谱柱和TCD/FID串联的双检测器系统,在一次进样之后,可同时检测出热解产物中的氢和C1~C6烷烯烃。

    In pyrolysis gas chromatography an alumina column and TCD / FID detectors in series are used . H2 and C1 - C6 hydrocarbons in the pyrolysis products can be simultaneously measured for one sample input .

  19. 目的:探讨一种从CT图像反求建模,制造带有双循环系统(微管循环和微孔循环)的人工骨。

    Objective : To discuss a method of reverse engineering ( RE ) from computed tomography ( CT ), then make artificial bone with double circulated system ( microcosmic pipeline cycle and microcosmic hole cycle ) .

  20. 本文概括了双模糊系统VagueSystem,对Vague信息分析、Vague推理与控制、Vague综合评判、Vague聚类与模式识别、Vague决策和、Vague匹配分别进行了综述。

    Double-fuzzy system Vague System is generalized with Vague information analysis , Vague ratiocination and control , Vague synthesized adjudicate , Vague gater and mode identify , Vague decision and Vague matching .

  21. 以Bragg声光双稳系统作为局域函数,单向耦合映像格子作为空间扩展系统构成激光时空混沌模型。

    Bragg acousto-optical bistable system is taken as the local function , and unilateral coupled map lattices are taken as the spatial extend system to construct a laser spatiotemporal chaos model .

  22. 通过对DSP和MCU构成的双CPU系统的研制,完成了系统的控制保护任务以及系统整体硬件和软件设计方案。

    Through the research of double CPU system composed of DSP and MCU , the system completes the task of control and protection system , and the design of the system hardware and software solutions .

  23. 伪双能系统的射线源产生的是连续能谱的X射线,因此基于传统双能透射模型的物质鉴别方法由于受到物体的厚度影响而导致准确性的降低。

    The X-ray tubes adopted in pseudo dual-energy systems produce X-ray photons with continuous energy spectra , which results in the decrement of the correctness of object classification based on traditional dual-energy transmission models because of the thickness effect .

  24. 介绍了数字式移相信号发生器,它是人机接口模板和移相信号产生模板的双CPU系统,模板之间采用串行通信,测量、显示功能齐全。

    This paper introduces a digital phase shift signal generator . The generator is the system constructed by double CPU of man-computer interface template and phase shift generator template with the functions of detector and display .

  25. 微机巡捡与事故顺序记录装置采用了TRS80微型计算机与SC801单板机组成的双微机系统。

    The device of microcomputer scan test and the sequence record of accident is a double microcomputer system consisted of TRS-80 microcomputer and a SC-801 single board computer .

  26. 以某导弹发动机双转子系统为研究对象,将弹支挤压油膜阻尼器(简称SFD)用于内转子进行了动力特性分析。

    Dynamic characteristics of internal rotor-bearing system in a twin-spool engine for missle have been improved with Squeeze Film Damper ( SFD ) .

  27. 用TL494构成的恒流恒压双闭环系统

    Constant Current / Constant Voltage and Double Closed-loop Control System Made of TL 494

  28. cerevisiaeKG作为连续发酵菌株,在酒精连续发酵过程中使用具有细胞循环的双罐系统。

    Cerevisiae KG was selected from several alcohol yeasts to be used as the strain of alcohol continuous fermentation . In the course of alcohol continuous fermentation , two - vessel system with cell recycle was used .

  29. 方法通过运用双联系统进行持续性不卧床腹膜透析(CAPD),并加强对38例CAPD患者的责任制护理,了解临床疗效、腹膜炎及堵管发生率。

    Methods : By using the duplex system to run CAPD , and strengthen the responsibility system nursing on 38 CAPD sufferers to find out the practical curative effect and the incidence rate of peritonitis .

  30. 结果表明,SBR、A2/O、双污泥系统的污泥在好氧和缺氧条件下均有很好的吸磷效果,其中双污泥系统污泥的缺氧吸磷速率和反硝化速率最大。

    Results indicate that the sludge based on SBR , A ~ 2 / O and two-sludge system has high P-uptake rates either under anoxic condition or under aerobic condition . And the sludge based on two-sludge system shows the highest P-uptake rate under anoxic condition .