
  1. 对这些小个子泰国人来说,当然是在象鼻子上啦。

    For these elves in Thailand it 's obviously in their trunks .

  2. 答案就在象鼻子里面。

    The answer is in the .

  3. 我要变成一头超大超大的大象,有那样的巨大象鼻子。

    Clementine : I want to be a great big , huge elephant with a huge trunk like that .

  4. 象鼻子最后疼得卷了起来,以后它就很少用鼻子去进攻了。

    And the trunk eventually becomes so sore that the elephant curls it up and seldom afterwards uses it for offensive purposes .

  5. 中画的这只怪物,有腐败的绿皮肤、红眼睛、长得像小型象鼻子的耳朵、还有一个多毛的马铃薯大鼻子。

    The ogre has rotten green skin , red eyes , EARS that look like miniature elephant trunks , and a big , hairy , potato nose .

  6. 一个中国女人坐在象鼻子上做手势,吸引游客为大象拍照。摄于北京世界公园。

    Chinese woman gestures while sitting on an elephant 's trunk to attract customers to have their picture taken with the elephant at Beijing World Park Monday , May24,2010 .

  7. 令人惊奇的是,由于大象的鼻子里分布着许多感觉器官,象鼻子还能够嗅到并辨别不同的味道,与狗狗的能力相比还要快700倍。

    Amazingly , an elephant 's trunk is also able to detect and distinguish smells at a rate that is several hundred times better than dogs . This is due to the many sensory organs that are located throughout the entire trunk .

  8. 威廉史泰格在童话画册《史瑞克!》中画的这只怪物,有腐败的绿皮肤、红眼睛、长得像小型象鼻子的耳朵、还有一个多毛的马铃薯大鼻子。

    As drawn by William Steig in his picture book Shrek ! , the ogre has 1 ) rotten green skin , red eyes , ears that look like 2 ) miniature elephant 3 ) trunks , and a big , hairy , potato nose .

  9. 象的鼻子特别得长!

    An elephants nose is extraordinarily long !

  10. 非洲象仅鼻子就有大概10万块不同的肌肉。

    An elephant 's trunk alone has approximately 100000 different muscles .

  11. 象的鼻子是一种独特的附肢。

    The elephant 's trunk is a unique appendage .

  12. 笨蛋,你应该象这样从鼻子里吸进去。

    Stupid , you 're supposed to inale it through your nose , like this .

  13. 他们在一起玩乐。狗抓住象的大鼻子,象摆动着他的鼻子,前前后后,左左右右,上上下下,甚至还甩成圈!

    When they played , the dog would grab the elephant 's heavy trunk , and the elephant would swing him forward and backward , from side to side , up and down , and even in circles !