
  • 网络Elephant Head
  1. 他是如何获得象头?

    How did he obtain his elephant head ?

  2. 在他上方墙上的壁龛里安放着一尊极小的蒙面象头神伽内什的塑像。

    Above him , in a niche on the wall , sat a tiny veiled Ganesh , the elephant god

  3. 象头神节是印度重要的宗教节日之一。

    Genesha 's is one of important religion holiday in India .

  4. 象头数有北部博茨瓦纳和西北津巴布韦的总和那么多。

    This population covers most of northern Botswana plus northwestern Zimbabwe .

  5. 象头神创议他们多想想和解之后的甜美生。

    Ganesha advises them to consider the sweet rewards of compromise .

  6. 你知道自己臭得象头猪吗?

    Do you know that you stink like a goat ?

  7. 顽固的象头驴子,就象他妈妈那样。

    Stubborn as a mule , just like his mami .

  8. 他发起狂来,象头疯牛。他叫大家发起狂来。

    He went off his head , like a mad bull with rage .

  9. 让你象头猪一样的尖叫吧!

    And squealing like a stuck pig !

  10. 累的象头死驴。

    Tired like an old mule .

  11. 我们有个腹部中枪没法走路的人,血流得象头中了梭镖的猪。

    We got a guy who 's shot in the belly , who can 't walk , bleeds like a stuck pig .

  12. 这个节日主要是为了纪念印度教主象头神的生日,最后会以将主甘妮萨的圣像浸入大海。

    This festival commemorates the birth of the Hindu god Lord Ganesha and culminates with the immersion of Lord Ganesha idols in the sea .

  13. 他爬上象鼻,坐在雪白的前额处&它那高高的象头就象喜马拉雅被雪覆盖的山头。

    He climbed up and sat between the pure white temples , on top of the great head & like a snowy Himalayan dome .

  14. 象头神建议要和上级搞好关系,这段时间适合参加些团队项目。

    Ganesha advises them not to get into friction with their superiors . It 's a good time to participate in team work , says Ganesha .

  15. 伦敦北部的卡姆登区是酗酒打架事件的高发区,该区一家名为“象头酒吧”的招待米莉亚•琳琪说,酒吧的员工将会很欢迎这种安全性更高的杯子。

    In the North London district of Camden , where heavy drinking bouts are commonplace , bartender Mirjam Linzie said the staff at the Elephants Head pub would welcome safer glasses .

  16. 我喜欢气冲冲地跑来找我的印度男子,说他房间里有一尊十三厘米高的象头神雕像缺一条腿。

    I love the Indi-an man who comes to me in outrage , reporting that there 's a four-inch statue of the Indian god Ganesh in his room which has one foot missing .

  17. 他长得象头公牛一样强悍。人所共知,他是如此充分天生,以至于他遭受巨大折磨的妻子惧怕婚床就象异教徒曾经惧怕刑架一样。

    He was built as powerfully as a bull and it was common knowledge that he was so generously endowed by nature that his martyred wife feared the marriage bed as unbelievers once feared the rack .

  18. 孟买最著名的沙滩GirgaonChaupati上渣滓物细菌是健康标准的四倍,其他沙滩的情况更糟。另外,孟买每年都会在沙滩上举办象头神节。

    Girgaon Chaupati , Mumbai 's most popular beach , has four times the acceptable limit of fecal bacteria . Other beaches are worse.Despite the pollution , Mumbai 's beaches still receive much use , particularly for the city 's annual Ganesh Chaturthi celebration .

  19. 他不象人更象一头狮子。

    He is more like a lion than a man .

  20. 你不是可以象一头小鹿一样地跳嘛!

    Thou canst leap like a young deer !

  21. 他象一头野鹿似的,连蹦带跳地向前逃命。

    He ran and bounded like a buck .

  22. 他象一头野蛮的动物。

    He 's like a wild animal .

  23. 没有,虽然象一头中了镖的野猪,但是我没事。

    No , I 'm like a stuck pig , but I 'm all right .

  24. 恩卡斯打死第一个对手后,象一头饿狮,立即就转身寻找第二个目标。

    When Uncas had brained his first antagonist , he turned , like a hungry lion , to seek another .

  25. 他实在不想将情人交给自己的老婆;但是他又怎好拒绝象一头母牛这样的区区小意思呢?

    He was loath to surrender his sweetheart to his wife ; yet how refuse so trifling a present as a heifer ?

  26. 共计步兵十万,骑兵两万,受过军训的象三十二头。

    And the number of his army was an hundred thousand footmen , and twenty thousand horsemen , and thirty-two elephants , trained to battle .

  27. 于是他挣脱开了那两个教士,象一头野兽似地挣扎着咆哮着,拼命想扭断那条绑住他双手的绳子。

    And he broke from the priests struggling and raving like a wild beast , and striving desperately to break the cords that bound his hands .

  28. 一见自己已经站在晴空之下,便象一头刚从雪堆中钻出的猛犬似地抖了抖魁悟的身躯。

    As soon as he found himself under a clear sky , he shook his huge frame like a mastiff that has just escaped from a snowbank .

  29. 一动不动,就象死尸一样,这时,他的思潮在地下打滚又腾空,有时象七头蛇,有时象鹰鹫。

    He was as motionless as a corpse , while his thoughts wallowed on the earth and soared , now like the hydra , now like the eagle .

  30. 巴林顿感到自己象一头猛兽,他用拳头和胳膊左推右撞,在人群中冲开了一条道路。

    Barrington felt like a wild beast himself , as he fiercely fought his way through the crowd , spurning them to right and left with fists and elbows .