
  • 网络the Symbolic;the Symbolic Order
  1. 斯蒂芬的超我和象征界;

    Stephen 's superego and the Symbolic order ;

  2. 约翰并没有认同象征界的社会法则,它选择了抗争和离开。

    John cannot identify with the Law-of-the-Father in the symbolic , thus causing his fight and leaving the new world .

  3. 拉康认为,人类的心理分为三界&想象界、象征界以及真实界。

    Lacan holds that the human mind is divided into three realms : the Imaginary , the Symbolic and the Real .

  4. 该理论阐述了孩子的史前大彼者&母亲是怎样作为一个规则者来影响着孩子并将孩子引导至象征界的。

    This theory explains how the mothers as rules influence the children , and how to lead them to the symbolic order .

  5. 当小孩进入象征界,在父亲之名的作用下,他这个虚幻的完整形象又被打破,从而产生缺失感。

    When the child enters the Symbolic , under the influence of the Name-of-the-Father , its unreal complete image is broken resulting in sense of lack .

  6. 秀拉在俄狄浦斯阶段受到父亲之名的威胁,但由于对父亲的法则的拒绝,使她夹在想象界与象征界之间从而限于困境。

    Sula is threatened by the Name-of-the-Father in the Oedipal Stage and her refusal of the Law of Father makes herself caught between the Symbolic and the Imaginary , hence her entrapment .

  7. 但是,就我所知,结合弗洛伊德关于个人心理的三个层次理论和拉康的象征界理论对这部作品进行分析的还没有。

    But to the best of my knowledge , the joint use of Freudian theories about the human psyche and Lacan 's Symbolic order to the appreciation of this novel has not been attempted yet .

  8. 在俄狄浦斯情结中遇到父亲之后,主体意识到自身缺乏菲勒斯。为了填补此空缺,主体需进入象征界,通过赢得他者的认可来建构主体性。

    Having encountered the " father " in the Oedipus complex , the subject senses his lack of the " phallus . " In order to fill this gap , the subject should construct subjectivity in the symbolic by recognition of the other .

  9. 身体与城乡结构的象征性界分&以黑龙江吴村建筑农民工群体为例

    Body and Symbolic Distinction between Country and City & Taking Migrant Worker Group from Village Wu in Heilongjiang Province as Example

  10. 环球小姐大赛是具有世界影响的国际一流赛事,被誉为全球时尚文化象征“选美界的奥林匹克”,参赛的佳丽无一不是将美貌与智慧集于一身。

    Miss Universe is an event with worldwide impact , it is known as a symbol of the global fashion culture ; an " Olympics of Beauty " . All the contestants are the epitome of beauty and wisdom .

  11. 最后,还请我在《纽约时报》开了一个专栏,这象征着美国新闻界的最高荣耀之一。

    Eventually I would be offered one of the gaudiest prizes in American journalism : a column in the New York Times .