
  • 网络images beyond images
  1. 意境创造的实质并不仅仅在于情景交融,更在于创造象外之象,即境界,能够把读者带入一个广阔的遐想空间。

    The essence of imagery lies not simply in a fusion of feelings with scenes , but more in creating " images beyond images " that is , realm , which can provide readers with a vast imaginary sphere .

  2. 意境主要可以从三个方面来表现:意象、情感以及象外之象。

    Artistic conception can mainly be expounded from the following three components : image , emotion and ' image beyond image ' .

  3. 中国土生土长的道家思想是其哲学渊源,含蓄性的形象构架是“象外之象”。

    Its philosophy can be traced to daoism , a philosophical thinking native to china , and its implicit image is constructed as " image outside image " .

  4. 妙在似与不似之间是种追求弦外之音、象外之象的艺术表达方式,这种对于艺术的追求和执着,深深的影响了我们一代又一代的绘画学习者。

    " The Beauty lies in the alike and unlike " is a means of artistic expression . The spirit of his pursuit and perseverance also deeply influenced generations of painting learners .

  5. 同时,因为卦象和艺术形象有诸多相通之处,这也成为中国古代“象外之象”等超象显现理论的滥觞。

    Meanwhile , because of the interlink between divinatory symbols and artistic image in some aspects , it becomes the origin of Chinese ancient theory of " image outside image " ect .

  6. 意境美的实现不仅依赖微观形式美的传递,而且需要表达意境的情感、意象及象外之象等宏观方面的基本要素。

    The transference of artistic conception depends not only on the transmission of micro-formal beauty , but also on the transmission of macro non-formal factors like emotion , images and image beyond image .

  7. 从可感之象到象外之象的递升跃迁,使得象思维观照下的翻译活动相应地具有体验互动性和主体性。

    The transition from the perceivable Xiang to the meta-imagery beyond imagery determines the experiential interaction and subjectivity of the translation activities in the light of Xiang thinking .