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  1. 论庄子言意之辩论中国哲学言象意观对意境理论的影响

    Debate the Impact of " Word-Image-Idea " View in Chinese Philosophy on the Theory of Artistic Conception

  2. 摘要从汉字语源出发,探讨在汉字文本(一种由象意结构积淀着的汉文化和历史的思想文本)中蕴含的战争内涵及政治本质。

    From the point of derivation of Chinese characters , the article analyzes the war connotation , political essence and Chinese culture which have been accumulated in Chinese characters .

  3. 任学礼的“汉字生命符号”学说,认为汉字是生命的象意文字,源于生命,源于生殖崇拜。

    Ren Xueli 's theory of " Chinese character being symbol of life ", thinking that the Chinese character means life , originates from life , originates from reproductive worship .

  4. 古代中国言·象·意结构之初形

    Original Form of Structure of Words , Image and Idea in Ancient China

  5. 以象寻意的途径&涉性形态广告述评

    The Approach of Seeking Suggestions by Means of Form & Review of Sex-related Advertisement

  6. 关于本体的开显方式,儒释道三教互异:儒主张“格物致知”、“立象尽意”;

    Concerning the way of disclosing the being , Confucianism , Buddhism and Taoism have different ideas .

  7. 如果我们稍加注意法老王的身份,则法老王的梦象之意更加昭彰。

    If we pay attention the identity of the Pharaoh , the Pharaoh 's dream as meaning more notorious .

  8. 论文,首先从形、象、意三个角度分析总结了黄土文化的艺术特质。

    Paper , first of all from the form , like , three aspects of Italian culture , art summarized characteristics of loess .

  9. 言、象、意关系新论&从海德格尔与维特根斯坦语言哲学思想解读

    New Review on the Relations Among Words , Image and Meaning & Explanation From the Thought of Martin Heidegger and Ludwig Wittgenstein 's Linguistic Philosophy

  10. 认识“立象尽意”重意轻言的缺陷,对现代汉语诗学的建设有重要意义。

    It is very important to build the Modern Chinese Poetics to recognize the sloping pattern of paying attention to the Meanings but looking down on the words .

  11. 随着大学的发展,大学校徽逐渐演变成为一个相对完善的结构系统,是言、象、意的结合体。

    Along with the development of university , the school emblem of university has gradually turned into an oppositive perfect structure system , which is a combination of words , images and ideas .

  12. 和合语言哲学力图在语言结构与民族文化、民族精神融突而和合的基点上运用并整合言、象、意范畴。

    Linguistic philosophy of harmony and integration attempts at the conformity of such categories as the speech , symbol and meaning by means of the harmony and integration between linguistic structure and national culture and spirit .

  13. 艺术语言的能指和所指、理性信息和潜在信息、象和意、有和无、实与虚、情与理各自之间的距离产生空灵美。

    The beauty from imagination and inspiration is aroused from the distance between signifier and signified , superficial information and potential information , image and significance , existence and nonexistence , reality and nihility , emotion and reason .

  14. 文人身份的转变和习性的形成为其进入绘画领域提供了自身的可能性,中国立象尽意的传统思维和魏晋时期的社会转型为知识分子移情山水、吟诗作画提供了外在的条件。

    The change of identity of the literati and their habits make it possible for them to enter into the painting world and traditionally Chinese photographic mentality and social transformation during the Wei and Jin dynasties also contributed the intellectual to transfer their own feelings to the natural thing .

  15. 立象以尽意&论居室色彩设计的方法

    The Statue Expresses Feelings , Comment on the Method that the Room Color Designs

  16. 关于孙悟空的形象问题,学术界已有众多的论点,但很少有对其象外之意作进一步探讨的。

    The academic circles have had too many arguments about the image of SunWukong , but few scholars probe into the singnificance beyond the image .

  17. 聆听大道的圣者,能通过象而达到意,进而得道。因此,本源之说应为道言。

    Saint who is listener of Tao can reach Yi by Xiang , and than attain to Tao . So that the theory of originality could equal to Tao theory .

  18. 当下关于孙悟空形象的九种成说,多以孙悟空为英雄形象,而似未对其象外之意作进一步的探讨。

    At present , the nine accepted versions mostly believe Sun Wu Kong to be a hero and it seems that there is no further probing into other significance beyond his image .

  19. 写意花鸟画以其精选凝练的笔墨功夫来表现物象的意象生命力,重视传其神态之似、境界之高,主张象外之意意趣。

    Freehand Flower-and-bird painting show images image of vitality in its selection of concise pen and ink work , attach importance to pass their demeanor like the high of the realm , advocates like for the meaning of " charm " .

  20. 意境的创构与人格生命的自觉&宗白华美学思想核心简论在立象以尽意的影响下,中国美学建构了意象,并在其后与佛学的合力下,创构了意境。

    Zong Baihua : Study of Artistic Mood and Consciousness of Personality Life Because of influence of xiang and meaning , Chinese aesthetics has formed the concept of image , and " yi jing " ( artistic mood ) with the help of Buddhism .

  21. 因为情和意如气体或液体呈线型流动,像如固体作块状跃动,所以在诗的意象运动中,往往出现象断而意连的状况。

    Since both the affection and the idea work flow as gas or liquid while the image goes just as the solid moves in the way of jumping , the phenomenon of the image breaking and idea consistence often comes into being in the work of idea and image .

  22. 苏轼在《周易》哲学的创作原则立象以尽意的启示下认为,作者要想创作出独步千古的文艺作品,关键在于要有超凡绝伦的识见、喷薄欲出的激情。

    Enlightenment under Using the symbol sign to express meaning the creating principle of Zhou Yi , Su Shi thinks that the key lies in the intense emotion gushing forth and super-all matchless knowledge and experience if the author want to create out without match eternal literary and artistic works .

  23. 本文认为国画具体地体现着阴阳辩证法,它集中地表现为“象”与“意”的关系,又具体实现在辩证的构图和技法中。

    Materialist dialectics are embodied in the epistemological theory in Chinese painting , which can be found in the composition and brushwork of pictures .

  24. 《原野》是曹禺的第三个戏剧生命,深受西方表现主义文艺思潮和美国杰出戏剧家奥尼尔戏剧的影响,戏剧中意象纷呈、隐意深奥。

    Wilderness , as one of the famous plays by Cao Yu , is deeply influenced by the western idea of expressionism and American playwright Eugene O ' Neill and is full of different meaningful images .

  25. 中国画的写意造型,展示的是似与不似之间、寓意于象、以象尽意“心物统一”的意象。

    What revealed in modeling of Chinese painting is an artistic result of a likeness in spirit rather than in appearance , embodying the meaning in images .

  26. 其立意造象,以象尽意,把绝对空间和意度空间化为一体,是把具象和抽象融为一体的意象造型。

    Made their intentions as to meaning as possible , meaning the degree of absolute space and space into one , is to integrate the figurative and abstract imagery form .

  27. 象同意异与象异意同&试论先秦诗文比兴手法运用的一大特色

    " The Same Image with Different Meanings " and " Different Images with the Same Meaning " & Characteristics in Applying Means of Metaphor to the Poems and Articles Pre-Qin