
  • 网络Symbolic implications;symbolic significance
  1. 色彩在英语文学作品中的象征意蕴

    Colors Play a Symbolic and Meaningful Role in English Literary Works

  2. 其自始至终散发着特殊的审美情趣和象征意蕴。

    They show special aesthetic taste and symbolic connotation .

  3. 羊在中国食文化中的象征意蕴:美性与德性

    The Symbolic Connotation of " Sheep " in Chinese Cuisine Culture-Aesthetics and Ethics

  4. 这也就是我们重提这一形象及其象征意蕴的原因。

    This is what we refer back to this image and symbolic reasons .

  5. 舍伍德·安德森《林中之死》中的象征意蕴

    Symbols in Sherwood Anderson 's Death in the Woods

  6. 《儿子与情人》中的象征意蕴

    On the Symbolic Meanings in Sons and Lovers

  7. 论《白鲸》的象征意蕴结构

    On Structure of Symbolic Connotation of Moby-Dick

  8. 借助舞台形象,传达象征意蕴;

    Draw support from the image of the stage , transmit the connotation of symbolizing ;

  9. 一个民族飞的向往&《所罗门之歌》中飞翔的象征意蕴

    A Nation 's Longing for " Flying " & Flying Symbolism in Song of Solomon

  10. 月是我国古诗中常用的意象,有着丰厚的象征意蕴。

    The moon is the image often used in ancient poems , having rich symbolic connotation .

  11. 而从古代到近代,它们的象征意蕴的发展呈现出广泛性、复杂性和流变性的特点。

    Form ancient to modern , their symbolic meanings are features of extensive 、 complexity and rheological .

  12. 冯至叙事诗的象征意蕴,在叙事诗中以戏剧化这种颇具现代意味的形式传达出来。

    The symbolic connotation in Feng Zhi 's epics has been conveyed through a dramatic and modern form .

  13. 在臆想中挣扎的灵魂&默多克《大海啊,大海》中意象的象征意蕴

    Struggling Soul in Fantasy & On the Symbols and Connotations of Iris Murdoch 's The Sea , the Sea

  14. 丁香空结雨中愁&《雨巷》的象征意蕴及特点分析

    The Sorrow of Lilacs in Rain & an analysis of the symbolic meaning and artistic features of The Rainy Lane

  15. 在外在形态上它表现为:故乡、母亲、心灵归宿、精神依托等,以及与之相关的一些富有象征意蕴的意象。

    Its external conformation is expressed as hometown , mother , end-result of soul , spirit support and related images with symbolistic implications .

  16. 该作品中鲜花与月亮这两个象征意蕴的运用,更是尽展了“言有尽而意无穷”的艺术魅力。

    Two symbolic meanings , the flowers and the moon , are applied in this novel , which make his limited words embody rich and colorful meanings .

  17. 每一种象征意蕴,都伴随着相关的其他意象,从而构成与时代特点和文学特征相吻合的悲剧性意象群。

    Each one carries some other related images so as to create the tragic images in accordance with the specific periods of time and the features of the literature during that period of time .

  18. 本文通过分析小说虚构的四次“复活”事件和“蛇塔”的象征意蕴,表达出寻根的主题。

    The story of synopsis the original by means of analyses what makes up4 times " Revive " Event and " Snake pagoda " . The emblem implication , show out to look for piece theme .

  19. 老子、庄子以水喻道,赋予水以比喻和象征意蕴,创造了众多与水有关的意象和寓言故事,极大地丰富了中国文学形象的画廊。

    Lao-zi , Zhuang-zi clarified Tao by resorting to waters'metaphorical meaning , entrusted with the water analogy and symbolic implication , created multitudinous images and fable stories relating to water , greatly enriched the Chinese literary image gallery .

  20. 家族本位是中国传统社会的特质,家国同构的象征意蕴是家族文化的最主要特征,家族书写就成为一个经久不衰的文学母题。

    Clan standard is the characteristic of Chinese traditional country . The symbolic implication of " Idea of Co-construction of Home and Country " is the main character of clan culture , which makes the clan writing become an unfailing literary motif .

  21. 本文通过对灯与飞蛾这对文学原型在古代文学,特别是在20世纪文学中象征意蕴的解读,分析其意义变迁及其文化背景

    This article tries to explain the meaning which the archetype of the light and moth stands for in the ancient literature , especially in the literature in the 20th century , and analyzes the alteration of the meaning and the culture background behind it

  22. 繁复的意象是张爱玲小说的重要特点之一。张爱玲小说中包含隐喻、象征等深层意蕴的意象,在主题及情节上具有凝聚作品的精神意义、贯穿叙事结构的功能;

    Complicated image is one of the major characteristics in Zhang Ailing 's novels , which contain metaphors , symbols and other deep-implication image , having spiritual significance in cohering the works and the function of penetrating narration structure in theme and plots .

  23. 西部信仰民俗中象征文化的美学意蕴

    The Aesthetic Connotation of Symbolic Culture in the Belief Custom of the Western Areas

  24. 我们在象征型文学作品意蕴的读解中存在两种误读,即单一指向和不定指向的读解方式。

    There are two ineffective ways in understanding the connotations of symbolic literary works : one-dementional and non-dementional .

  25. 同时,运用色彩和空间造型的象征来获得深层意蕴是法斯宾德影片的又一特征。

    In addition , it is another feature of his movies to gain deep implications through the symbolism of colors and spatial image-building .