
  1. 象征型艺术物质因素超过了精神因素,理念显现不明确不稳定。

    Symbolization art matter factor surpassed spiritual factor , whose idea was apparently unclear or unstable .

  2. 黑格尔在《美学》中论及象征型艺术时,以东方艺术作为观照对象,但他对东方艺术存在着明显的误读。本文从三个方面对此进行了论述:一、黑格尔观点的片面性;

    Oriental Art is the object of study in Hegel 's Aesthetics when he talks about symbolic art in his Aesthetics .

  3. 它是一种独具东方神韵的真正的象征型艺术,其象征意象的审美判断、审美价值构成了它特有的审美惯例、审美尺度。

    It is truly a kind of unique Oriental symbolic art , and its symbolic image 's aesthetic judgments and values consist of its special aesthetic practices and standards .

  4. 而象征型艺术作为黑格尔艺术发展史论的第一个环节,就与人的意识最初是如何借助形象来显现的这一问题有密切联系。

    Symbolic form of art as the first phase in the development of art is closely connected to the question how human consciousness is presented with the help of image .

  5. 如黑格尔以象征型艺术、古典型艺术和浪漫型艺术对艺术进行了一个整体的分类,并阐述了希腊罗马时期的雕塑艺术作为古典型艺术的特征。

    As Hegel in symbolic form of art , classical art and the romantic art of art an overall classification , and elaborated the Greek Rome time sculpture art as classical art characteristics .

  6. 20世纪是象征型艺术的世纪,西方现代派作品中具有鲜明的表意性,这反映了西方精神危机下现代人的焦虑状态,也表现了西方现代派艺术家们的形而上探求。

    In the 20th century , a century of symbolic-type arts , western modern schools show clear quality of idea-express in their works , which reflects the anxious state of contemporaries in mental crisis , and probes in metaphysics of artist of western modern schools .

  7. 在中国文学史上,象征型文学艺术观一直未被确认。

    In the history of Chinese literature , the period of symbolical thought of literary and artistic theory has not been recognized .

  8. 汉代艺术是象征型的艺术,无论诗赋、乐舞、画像石还是明器,都以其数量的巨大来表达潜在的审美情感。

    The art in Han Dynasty is symbolic art , and poetry , music , stone portraits , or funerary objects all use a huge number to express their potential aesthetic emotion .

  9. 象征型意象与环境艺术设计

    On the Use of Symbolic Yixiang in Environmental Art Design