
  1. 法官最低限度也会判他坐五年牢。

    The Judge will put him behind bars for at least five years .

  2. 那车能舒舒服服地坐五个人。

    The car will sit five people comfortably .

  3. 王彦许说,王国成本来要坐五年牢。

    Guocheng was supposed to stay in prison for five years , Yanxu says .

  4. 法官最低限度也会判他坐五年牢。在过去的英属印度,地区长官有审判权。

    The Judge will put him behind bars for at least five years . In British India , district commissioners had judicial powers .

  5. 你知不知道,为什么在你想去游泳的时候,大人却非要让你去上学,在板凳上坐五个小时,学那些讨厌的课程?

    Do you see now why you have to go to school five hours a day , and sit on a hard seat studying still harder lessons , when you would much rather sneak off and go in swimming ?

  6. 我们可以陪她坐个五分钟吗

    can we just sit down with her for five minutes ?

  7. 我想坐在第五排左右。

    I like to sit in about the fifth row .

  8. 又坐到第五组了,自然是一百个不情愿。

    Sit fifth group , and are naturally reluctant to100 .

  9. 我们坐着车子来到五号路,在这夏天星期日的下午,空气又温暖又柔和,有近似田园的风味。

    We drove over to Fifth Avenue , so warm and soft , almost pastoral , on the summer Sunday afternoon .

  10. 皮博迪在澳大利亚煤炭行业已经坐上了第五把交椅。这家美国集团计划在未来5年里,把其澳大利亚煤炭出口增加一倍。

    Peabody already ranks fifth in Australia 's coal industry and the US group plans to double its exports from the country in the next five years .

  11. 我在五岁的时候第一次坐绿皮车,从河北家乡坐了五个小时的火车来到北京。

    When I was five years old , I took my first trip on one of China 's green giants , riding around five hours from my small hometown in Hebei province to Beijing .

  12. 不推荐你花太多的时间坐在马桶上,但是反正你每天都要在那里坐上五分钟,为什么不顺便看点儿书呢?

    Its not recommended that you spend too much time sitting on the toilet , but since youre going to be there for five minutes or so , why not do some reading ?

  13. 不推荐你花太多的时间坐在马桶上,但是反正你每天都要在那里坐上五分钟,为什么不顺便看点儿书呢?每天五分钟看起来很短,但是坚持下来,加起来时间就不少了。

    It 's not recommended that you spend too much time sitting on the toilet , but since you 're going to be there for five minutes or so , why not do some reading ? Five minutes of extra reading a day does add up .

  14. 这样你可以坐在车窗旁边,一边看着窗外的风景,一边跟别人聊天或吃东西。在北京你可以住旅馆,然后坐五天火车到莫斯科。

    This is a very good way to see a lot of China passing by the window while you talk or eat You can stay at a hotel in Beljing and then take the train for a five_day journey to Moscow .