
zuò xiàng
  • Sitting statue;statue of a person in a seated pose
坐像 [zuò xiàng]
  • [sitting statue] 人物的坐姿雕像

  1. 一位朋友最近告诉我,有时候遇到的情况就像:只是希望沿着街道一路走到奶奶家,而不需要乘坐像SaturnV火箭一样飞快。

    A friend recently told me that there are times when you just want to walk down the street to grandma 's house , and you don 't need a Saturn V rocket to do that .

  2. 也是中国最大的石弥勒佛坐像之一。

    It is also one of the biggest Maitreya sitting statues in china .

  3. 最大的佛像——56英尺(约合17米)高的坐像——面部有一层薄薄的金色涂料。[qh]

    The biggest Buddha , a seated statue 56 feet tall , has a thin layer of gold paint on its face . [ qh ]

  4. 东西两垛殿塑二药王坐像,旁侍司药、司书男女童,均保存较好。

    Hall of the two plastic things pile Manual jwasang two , next to the Secretary paternity medicine , Division book , boys and girls are better preserved .

  5. 在秭归柳林溪遗址出土了一件石雕《祈祷人物坐像》,距今约6千年左右,它代表着三峡地区新石器时代雕塑水平,是一件极其珍贵的原始艺术品。

    A stone carving named " Praying Figure " was unearthed in Liu Lin , Zi Zui , and this precious work of art is 6000 years from now which represents the carving level of Neolithic in the Three Gorges Area .

  6. 苏富比的这次拍卖会上,有两名成功竞标者是电影大腕:华谊兄弟公司的主席王中军,这是中国最大的电影公司之一,他以2990万美元的价格买下了毕加索的《盘发髻女子坐像》;

    Two of the successful bidders at Sotheby'swere movie moguls : Wang Zhongjun , the chairman of Huayi Bro rs Media , one ofChina 's largest film companies , who took Picasso 's " Femme au Chignon dans unFauteuil " f $ 29.9m ;