
zuò láo
  • be in jail;imprisonment;be imprisoned;put into prison;doing bird;send to prison
坐牢 [zuò láo]
  • [be in jail;be imprisoned] 关在牢里或监狱中

  • 他因为什么罪坐牢?

坐牢[zuò láo]
  1. 我们说的是如果人们做了电影里的事,我们就全坐牢了。

    Look , all we were saying is that if people did the stuff that they saw in the movies , we 'd all be in jail .

  2. 由于害怕被抓去坐牢,他们逃到森林去了。

    Afraid of being put into prison , they escaped to forest .

  3. 有些年轻的母亲感到待在家里如同坐牢。

    Some young mothers feel imprisoned in their own homes .

  4. 罪犯可以选择要么坐牢,要么遭受当众羞辱。

    Criminals are given the option of going to jail or facing public humiliation

  5. 那两个人早就应该抓去坐牢。

    Those two should have been thrown in jail

  6. 这艘船的船长和船员可能会被告上法庭,甚至有可能坐牢。

    The ship 's captain and crew may be brought to trial and even sent to prison .

  7. 如果我会因杀一个人而坐牢,那我还不如再杀3个呢。

    If I 'm going to be sent up for killing one guy , then I might as well kill three more .

  8. 他因扰乱公共治安而坐牢。

    He was imprisoned for creating a public disturbance .

  9. 如果你试图逃税,你就有坐牢的危险。

    If you try to evade paying your taxes you risk going to prison .

  10. 我宁愿坐牢!

    I would rather be in prison !

  11. 那位影星因为逃税而坐牢。

    The movie star is in prison for tax evasion .

  12. 是犯法的行为。你被判罪坐牢,这到底应该怪谁呢?”

    Who is to blame for your being found guilty and put in prison ? "

  13. gotoprison入狱他必须付一百镑,否则就得去坐牢。

    He must pay £ 100 or else go to prison .

  14. 从今以后你别再惹麻烦,我再也不会出面帮你;我就让你付罚款,或者去坐牢。显然这里习惯用语keepyournoseclean意思是不招惹麻烦。

    From now on , keep your nose clean or I 'll just stand back and let you get fined and maybe get sent to jail .

  15. 他设法使Jill代替他坐牢。

    He tried to make sure that Jill would go to jail instead of him .

  16. 救命啊,继续坐牢中,这不是EricVanDerWoodsen?

    Blair : S.O.S. Still in prison . Is that Eric Van Der Woodsen ?

  17. 检方渴望证明,没有哪家银行可以大到不能坐牢(toobigtojail),然而,他们在避免外界对瑞信失去信心的同时,却贬抑了自己所欲证明之物的价值。

    In their eagerness to prove that no bank is too big to jail while avoiding a loss of confidence in Credit Suisse , prosecutors have devalued the notion .

  18. Connor我爱你我不会因为你坐牢就失去�

    Connor , I love you , and I 'm not gonna lose you just because you 're in prison .

  19. PussyRiot就要坐牢了,但这只乐队依然拥有撼动克林姆林宫的力量。

    Pussy Riot is going to prison . But the band still have it in their power to rock the Kremlin .

  20. 现年35岁的藤森庆子是目前正在坐牢的前总统阿尔韦托藤森(AlbertoFujimori,日本名:藤森谦也)之女。

    The 35-year-old Ms Fujimori is the daughter of an imprisoned former president , Alberto Fujimori .

  21. 是的,我的Caleb杀了Melanie,但是我不能让他去坐牢,或者更糟的,被处决

    Yes , my Caleb killed Melanie , but I couldn 't let him go to jail or worse , be put down ,

  22. Lonnie垮台了,现在他坐牢了,我要死了。

    Lonnie let the policy lapse and now he 's in jail and I 'm going to die .

  23. 2008年富国银行(WellsFargo)收购美联银行以后,美联银行前后花了1.6亿美元,就各项刑事指控达成和解,美国无一人坐牢(相比之下墨西哥有15人入狱)。

    Bought in 2008 by Wells Fargo , Wachovia has since paid $ 160m to settle charges , and nobody in the US has gone to jail ( versus 15 in Mexico ) .

  24. 安德鲁法斯托(andrewfastow)则用他的表外交易,快速抽掉一个零(fast-o),如今他正在坐牢。

    And then there was Andrew Fastow , who pulled a fast-o with his off-balance sheet deals and is now behind bars .

  25. 在中国,少纳税得坐牢。但Duan告诉我,许多企业家都很精通利用多家公司和多个账户,系统性瞒报税款。

    Underpaying Chinese taxes can land the guilty party in prison – yet Duan tells me many entrepreneurs are well-versed in using multiple companies and accounts to hide systematic underpayment .

  26. 看着维克在FBI的控制下,坐在桌子后填写报告,而这也许就是他为自己所犯的罪行所付出代价,这代价可能比坐牢来的更大。

    Watching Vic sitting behind a desk , filling out reports , all alone under the thumb of the FBI , it seemed clear that he was paying for his crimes in a way that cut him deeper than prison ever could .

  27. 温伯格在协助FBI完成了4件案子而免于坐牢之后,FBI提出让温伯格继续在阿伯斯坎行动帮助他们,并会支付他相应的报酬。

    This was also due to the fact that after he had helped the FBI with the four cases he agreed to as part of his deal to avoid jail time , they offered to pay him to stay on and help them with Abscam .

  28. 不要走邪道,否则会坐牢。

    Don 't go away , otherwise will go to jail .

  29. 对不起,疯妇免我们坐牢。

    Sorry . " psycho-woman " keeps us out of prison .

  30. 我认为你说他不会去坐牢。

    I thought you said he wouldn 't go to jail .