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  • 网络sedan chair
  1. 狗坐轿子,不识抬举

    A dog sitting in a sedan chair / unable to appreciate a favor

  2. 在中国旅行主要是坐轿子,有时候骑驴或小马。

    Traveling in China is chiefly done by sedan chair , sometimes by donkey or pony .

  3. 从来没有坐轿子上天堂之事。

    There is no going to the Heaven in a sedan .

  4. 坐轿子到不了天堂。

    There is no going to heaven is a sedan .

  5. 邵阳到学校全是山路,得换坐轿子。

    As the way from Shaoyang to the school consisted entirely of mountain roads , they had to switch to sedan chairs .

  6. 他们或徒步,或骑马,或坐轿子,或乘马车,纷纷逃命&只因为恺撒越过了卢比孔河。

    On foot , on horseback , in litters , in carriages , they fled for their lives - all because Caesar had crossed the Rubicon .

  7. 三弟素来害怕人说他坐轿子,他是一个人道主义者,觉新笑着解释道;

    " Chueh-hui would never let it be said that he rode in a sedan-chair . He 's a humanitarian ," Chueh-hsin explained with a mocking grin .

  8. 他说,笨重的三厢车受欢迎程度仍然占据压倒性优势,这在文化上与中国富人坐轿子的传统非常契合。

    He says the bulky , three-box shape that is still overwhelmingly popular is deeply embedded culturally in a country where the rich traditionally rode in palanquins .

  9. 人们坐着轿子传递小告示板

    and people would send each other little bulletins by sedan chair ,

  10. 新娘坐上轿子后,会燃放鞭炮驱赶邪灵。

    Then firecrackers will be set off to drive away evil spirits as the bride sits into the sedan chair .

  11. 就在这天下午,钱太太突然坐了轿子来拜访周氏。

    In the afternoon , Mei 's mother , Mrs. Chien , arrived in a sedan-chair to pay her respects to Madam Chou .

  12. 在这个国家,有权势的人过去坐着轿子出门。中国汽车买家在文化上根深蒂固地喜欢宽敞的轿车。

    In a country where powerful men were once transported in sedan chairs , Chinese car buyers have a culturally embedded preference for roomy saloons .

  13. 上世纪初,第一位到莫干山山顶景区观赏的外国人是坐在轿子上被抬上去的。

    The first foreign vacationers to visit the mountaintop resort area of Moganshan , at the turn of the last century , were carried up in sedan chairs .

  14. 你为什么坐这么漂亮的轿子?

    Why on earth do you travel in such a garish litter ?

  15. 你蹲坐在你的轿子里,嘴里反复地祷念着神的名字。

    You sit crouched in your palanquin and repeat the names of the gods in prayer .

  16. 你坐在一顶轿子里,我骑着一匹红马,在你旁边跑着。

    You are riding in a palanquin and I am trotting by you on a red horse .

  17. 我的任务是坐着旧式的轿子,护送一个蛋去一个地方。

    Once I dreamt of an egg . I have to bring the egg in a sedan chair to a place safely and soundly .