
  • 网络Coordinate grid;MGRS
  1. 将R树应用于本文提出的相对坐标-格网压缩算法,提出了CR树索引,并详细分析了CR树的插入、查询、删除等操作的具体算法。

    Considering that the efficiency of R-tree index is relatively high and the algorithm is simple , the R-tree is used in the proposed compression algorithm , then CR-tree is proposed . Then , insertion , inquire , and deletion algorithms of CR-tree are discussed .

  2. 该软件既可以构建坐标转换格网,又可以进行单点模式、点文件模式、地图坐标文件的坐标转换计算。

    This software could be used to construct transformation grid and implement grid interpolation transformation which is based on various transformation modes , such as single point mode , point file mode and map coordinate file mode . 7 .

  3. 支持该投影的球面剖分模型的地理坐标与球面三角格网之间的坐标转换可转换为均分三角网格的计算问题。

    In EARP , coordinate translation between geodetic coordinates and spherical triangle mesh is reduced to the relation of a point with a discrete 2D triangle mesh .