
zuò běi cháo nán
  • 熟语face south with the back to the north
  1. 这所房子坐北朝南。

    This house faces south .

  2. 你看这房子坐北朝南。

    You seem , this house also faces the south .

  3. 这座宫殿坐北朝南。

    The palace is oriented south and north .

  4. 他们仔细勘测了整个区域,确保这些个陵墓是坐北朝南,并且在背后有群山环绕。

    They surveyed the area to make sure their tombs faced south and had mountains at the back .

  5. 院内坐北朝南的房子叫正房,东西两边为厢房,坐南朝北的称倒座。

    Hospital south of the house sitting Jeongbang called East and West on both sides for the room , sit down Southern North Block said .

  6. 它坐北朝南,有一块隆起的宽敞绿色休息区,你可以持一杯冷饮坐在走廊欣赏美丽的风景。

    North facing and elevated giving a wide , green , restful outlook , relax on the verandah with a cool drink and enjoy the view .

  7. 明清皇家陵寝指的是位于中国东部四省的四个皇家陵墓群。秦始皇陵是坐西朝东,而中国古代帝王陵寝大多坐北朝南。

    The Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties are four groups of tombs in four provinces of eastern China . The mausoleum of Emperor QinShihuang also faces east but the tombs of most Chinese emperors face south .

  8. 大政殿坐北朝南,端居中央,为八角木结构,门前置两条盘柱金龙,腾空欲飞;

    The south-facing Hall of Important State Affairs which stands equidistant to the flanking pavilions is an eight-sided wooden structure whose entrance is flanked by two pillars on each of which is a golden coiled dragon in the posture of rising skyward .

  9. 世界遗产泰姬陵是17世纪印度莫卧儿王朝的皇帝沙贾汗为爱妻修建的陵墓。秦始皇陵是坐西朝东,而中国古代帝王陵寝大多坐北朝南。

    The Taj , built in the 1600s by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a shrine for his wife , is a World Heritage site . The mausoleum of Emperor QinShihuang also faces east but the tombs of most Chinese emperors face south .