
  • 网络Craft Aesthetics
  1. 论工艺美学的发展与造物文化的传承

    On the Development of Handcraft Aesthetics and the Art of Ware-creation

  2. 《梦溪笔谈》中的工艺美学思想

    Ideas of Arts and Crafts in Sketchbook of Dream Brook

  3. 本文旨在探讨自元代到明代工艺美学风格的发展状况。

    This research attempts to explore the development of artistic style of arts and crafts from Yuan Dynasty to the end of Ming Dynasty .

  4. 室内设计是融工学、美学、工艺美学、伦理学、心理学、历史学、建筑学等多学科于一体的交叉学科。是建筑设计在室内环境中的深入与继续。

    Interior design is an interdisciplinary which integrates engineering , aesthetics , aesthetics technology , ethics , psychology , history , architecture and other disciplines , and it is also the in-depth and continuing of architectural design which based on interior environment .

  5. 服装工艺的美学初探

    On Aesthetics of Costume Technology

  6. 民族民间工艺美术的美学特征

    The Aesthetics Character of Local People 's Industrial Arts

  7. 产品设计,是设计师运用已有的工具和工艺,根据美学要求,用创造性的手法将材料加工成具有一定造型艺术的实体,使之成为具有使用价值和欣赏价值合一的产品。

    The product design means that the designers make a product with certain practical and aesthetical value according to aesthetical demands .

  8. 综观当下的教学实践领域,各种话语霸权、关系扭曲、追求技术合理性的工艺化教学美学观仍然随处可见。

    In the practice field of teaching , all kinds of discourse hegemony , reflection distortion and the esthetic outlook of technical rationality exist everywhere .

  9. 从宝石学、宝石工艺学及美学原理的角度探讨了黑色宝石的利用价值及开发前景,并结合实践对黑色系列宝石的款式设计、加工工艺、装饰效果等作了综合论述。

    The paper discusses the black gemstones utilization value and developing prospect on the basis of the principles of gemology , gemstone technology and aesthetics . It also discusses comprehensively , the design of style practice , process and ornamental effects of the black gemstones system .

  10. 经典手工工艺与人文设计美学的统一,舒适感受,尊贵体验!

    Integration of classical handicraft techniques with humanity design esthetics , joy of comfort and noble experience !