
  1. 摩西虽然很爱他的百姓,但是他不象主耶稣那样完美无瑕,所以摩西没有权力决定谁的名字会被记在神的册上,谁的名字会被抹去。

    Your sins will be blotted out , but not your name ! ? ? Moses really loved the people , but he was not perfect like the Lord Jesus . Moses could have no say in who would be in God 's book or who would be blotted out .

  2. 主要成果有:基于对中医舌诊的业务流程的分析,设计并实现了中医舌象分析仪的主控软件;

    The main achievements are as follows . Based on analyzing the operation flow of tongue diagnosis , the main control software is designed and developed .

  3. 象即是主客观世界相互投射的产物,说明主观活动具有客观存在的源头。

    Xiang is the projection of the objective world on the subjective world , which explains that there is objective source in the activities of the subject .

  4. 和声无象哀心有主&论嵇康的音乐美学思想

    Ji Kang 's Ideology of Music Aesthetics

  5. 根据中医藏象理论,肝主疏泄为肝脏基本的生理功能之一,它对整个机体的气机调畅起着至关重要的作用,其中肝脏的生理、心理功能等方面,都与应激有联系。

    According to the theory of Zang organs , Liver control dispersion is one of a liver basic physiological functions , it plays a crucial role in regulating entire body , the liver of the physiological , psychological functions relate with the flow of Qi .