
quán lì qián kè
  • power broker
  1. 但是这个名为ProductHunt的网站却得到了硅谷最有影响力的权力掮客们的关注,最近更是从他们那里获得了真金白银的投资。

    That site , called Product Hunt , has captured the attention , and as of today , the investment dollars , of Silicon Valley 's most influential power brokers .

  2. 三月底,这部根据乔治·马丁的奇幻小说《冰与火之歌》(ASongofIceandFire)改编的电视剧迎来了第三季的首播。在此,不妨让我们来看看剧中的敌我对手、权力掮客和阴谋家们。

    As we prepare for Sunday 's third season premiere , let 's consider the rival claimants , power brokers , and schemers in the show based on George R.R. Martin 's A Song of Ice and Fire book series .

  3. 簇拥着幕僚和权力掮客

    surrounded by courtiers and power brokers .

  4. 报告说,权力掮客之间也在相互借力:石油大亨的钱流进了对冲基金,对冲基金的钱投进了石油资产,如此等等。

    Their growth , the analysts add , is'mutually reinforcing'as oil barons put their petrodollars in hedge funds , and so on .

  5. 麦肯锡在周四发表的一份长达174页的分析报告中说,新涌现的权力掮客表明,全球资本市场正发生着结构性转变。

    ' The new power brokers represent a structural shift in global capital markets , 'McKinsey says in a174-page analysis out today .

  6. 辛格尔顿说:“他们是印度中世纪的权力掮客,因为你能够通过修炼瑜伽来积聚这些权力。”

    They were the power brokers of medieval India because of these powers you can accumulate by doing yoga , ' says Mr. Singleton .

  7. 辛格尔顿说:他们是印度中世纪的权力掮客,因为你能够通过修炼瑜伽来积聚这些权力。

    ' They were the power brokers of medieval India because of these powers you can accumulate by doing yoga , ' says Mr. Singleton .

  8. 麦肯锡首次将上述4类投资者确定为新权力掮客,是在2007年7月发布的一份报告中一个月后,金融危机爆发。

    McKinsey first identified these four groups as the new power brokers in a report published in July 2007 a month before the financial crisis hit .

  9. 如果你空降到了一个位置上,就必须尽快弄明白那些权力掮客是什么人,搞清楚自己和关键利益相关者的关系。

    If you have been parachuted into a situation , you have got to find out who the power-brokers are pretty fast , and get to understand your relationships with key stakeholders .

  10. 他的额头。拥有联盟最全面、最具统治力的技能,他还有另一件重要的事情:他是联盟的权力掮客,能够根据自己的行为改变平衡。

    And with one of the most complete , dominating skill sets in the league , he has the other big thing : He 's a league power broker , able to shift the balance depending on what he does .

  11. 11月,拉特纳受到多项严重的性骚扰和行为不端指控,并且,这两名权力掮客显然一直生活在一个截然不同的世界,那里关心的很多问题、规则和道德,和我们的世界迥然不同。真的,几乎是一个平行宇宙。

    in November , Mr. Ratner was facing serious allegations about sexual harassment and misconduct and it was evident that these two power brokers had been living in a very different world - almost a parallel universe , really - with very different concerns , rules and ethics than many of us .