
  • 网络Power view;the view of power
  1. 苏珊·斯特兰奇(SusanStrange)基于自己的研究,从国际政治经济学的视角出发提出了一种全新的权力观&结构性权力,并以此为中心构建起了自己的国际政治经济学体系。

    Susan Strange , based on her research , proposed new theory of power & the structural power , and built up her international political economics system centered on the structural power . The viewpoint of structural power is the international political economy .

  2. 理清了现代社会的知识权力观。

    It clears the view of knowledge power in present society .

  3. 对福柯权力观的结构化分析

    Study on Michel Foucault 's View of Power by Structural Method

  4. 坚定党的宗旨意识,树立正确的权力观

    Strengthen the Aim Consciousness of the Party , Establish Correct Power View

  5. 近代西方权力观的演变及启示

    The Evolvement of Neoteric Occidental Power View and Its Revelation

  6. 领导干部必须始终树立正确的权力观

    On Cultivation of a Correct Outlook on Power among Officials

  7. 论福柯的科学知识权力观

    On Michel Foucault 's Conception of Power toward the Knowledge of Science

  8. 米歇尔·福柯于70年代提出的权力观相当独特。

    Michael Foucault proposed a unique conception of power in the 1970s .

  9. 组织理论的权力观述论

    Narration on the Outlook of Power in Organizational Theories

  10. 试论教育干部树立正确的权力观

    On Holding A Correct Outlook of Power For Cadres

  11. 讲政治就必须树立正确的权力观

    Emphasizing Politics Must Set Correct Views on Power

  12. 领导干部要树立正确的权力观

    Leading Cadres Should Acquire Correct Views On Power

  13. 福柯的微观权力观&一种科学知识的政治学分析

    Foucault 's Idea of Micro-Power & an analysis of a scientific knowledge by politics principles

  14. 论树立正确的权力观

    On Adopting the Right Idea of Power

  15. 服从大局的权力观;

    Power outlook of obeying to overall ;

  16. 由此也决定了两种权力观的不同社会作用和历史命运。

    Consequently two different social effect and historical fate of the two points on power of people .

  17. 坚持三个代表重要思想树立正确的权力观

    Adhere to the important thought of " three represents " and establish the correct outlook on power

  18. 即使在当今,“自上而下”的权力观也有局限性。

    In the present day , too , a " top-down " view of power has limits .

  19. 并指出,这一权力观体系具有重大的行政价值。

    At the end , it pointed out that this view of power system has significant administrative value .

  20. 尽管这种权力观在统计学上来看确实有用,在一对一的情境中却无能为力。

    Although this view of power can be useful statistically , it falls apart when applied to one-on-one situations .

  21. 权力观主要回答如何看待和使用权力的问题。

    Concept of power is the main answer to the problem of how to treat and use of power .

  22. 在福柯的著述中,话语观、权力观和伦理观是其思想发展中的三个里程碑。

    Discourse , power and ethic are made up of three landmarks in the development of Foucault 's thoughts .

  23. 在福柯权力观视角的指引下,读者可以更加深入地了解这部小说的思想主题。

    From the perspective of Foucault ' spower theory , the readers will have a better understanding of the novel .

  24. 政治道德建设的核心是坚持全心全意为人民服务的根本宗旨,关键是树立科学的权力观,重点是解决党风廉政建设。

    The key is to set scientific on outlook and the focus is to build an honest and clean government .

  25. 权力观由以下几个要素构成:服务性要素、客观性要素、主观性要素和程序性要素。

    Power view consists of the following elements : service elements , elements , elements of subjectivity and procedural elements of objectivity .

  26. 更新观念:革新民办幼儿园园长的权力观、领导观与教师观。

    To update the concept : Innovation of private kindergarten principals ' power view , view and the view of teacher leadership .

  27. 再次,人生观、价值观错位以及由此形成的腐败的权力观是导致职务犯罪的主观原因;

    Third , the major reason is the misunderstanding of outlook and values and its corresponding power view are viewed as subjective causes .

  28. 新中国成立以来,我国三代领导人从理论和实践上都对权力观做出了发展。

    Since the establishment of new China , our three generation of leaders developed the concept of power from both theory and practice .

  29. 牢固树立正确的权力观是党和人民对各级领导干部的要求。

    To have a correct understanding of power is people 's as well as our party 's requirement for leaders of all ranks .

  30. 要树立组工干部形象,坚持正确的权力观,不断提高组工干部的政治素质。

    To form the image of organizational workers , we must adhere to the correct outlook on power and constantly improve their political qualities .