
  • 网络Military Economic;Military Economics;military economy
  1. 军品使用价值的特殊性及其在军事经济学研究中的地位

    The specific characteristics of military products use value and its position in the military economic research

  2. 同时,军事经济学学科体系的建立也可以为军事经济资源的合理配置和军事工业的调整、发展提供理论支持。

    Besides , the establishment of discipline system in the military economics can offer theoretical support for the rational disposition of military economic resources and the adjustment and development of military industry .

  3. 军事交通运输经济学初探

    A tentative study on military transport economics

  4. 认为及早建立军事交通运输经济学是摆脱军事交通运输系统面临困境的有效、重要的途径。

    Establishing as fast as possible military transportation economics is thought to be effective and important for solving difficulties encountered to military transportation system .

  5. 微分对策理论是控制论和对策论的重要分支,在军事对策和经济学研究领域具有非常广泛而重要的应用。

    Theory of differential games is an important subject of control and game theory , and has an important and wide application in domain of strategics and economics .

  6. 军事征用补偿的经济学分析

    Economics analysis of the military requisition compensation

  7. 整篇论文结合战争伦理学、军事技术哲学、经济学和国际法学等方面的基本观点,比较全面和系统地分析了生物武器的伦理问题,对解决方法也作了比较切合实际的探讨。

    Having absorbed basic views from martial ethics , philosophy of martial technology , economics , and international law , the paper has made a systematic analysis on the ethics aroused by biological weapon and put forward practicable means of solving this problem .

  8. 军费分配结构的合理与否对军队战斗力的大小有直接作用,对军费分配结构优化的研究是军事财政学和军事经济学的永恒主题之一。

    The military expenditure construction directly affects the troops combat effectiveness , therefore , the research about the allotment construction of military expenditure is a eternal topic in the fields of military public finance and military economics .

  9. 探索军事经济活动的一般规律和特殊规律,建立军事经济学的学科体系是军事经济研究和发展的必然结果。

    Probing the universal law and special law of the military economic activity and setting up the discipline system of military economics are the inevitable outcome of research and development of military economy .