
  • 网络military communication network
  1. 基于HLA的军事通信网规划与优化通用仿真平台

    Universal Simulation Platform for Planning and Optimizing of Military Communication Network Based on HLA

  2. 采用MonteCarlo仿真的方法来模拟军事通信网的话务流量,并分析、比较组织迂回路由和不组织迂回路由时军事通信网的呼叫损失。

    The call traffic of military communication network is simulated by Monte Carlo simulation method , and the lost call is analyzed and compared between military communication network with alternate route and that without alternate route .

  3. 基于HLA的分布式军事通信网仿真

    Distributed Tactical Communication Network Simulation Based on HLA

  4. 可见,ATM已经成为军事通信网等专用通信网的重要目标。

    It is obvious that the ATM technology has been an important goal in the military application and special communication networks .

  5. 地域通信网是军事通信网C3I系统中一个重要的组成部分。

    The field communication networks are an important part in tactical C3I systems .

  6. 首先介绍了美军军事通信网仿真技术现状及JTIDS概况,然后在OPNET网络仿真软件平台上对JTIDS网络进行了建模,并对网络整体的抗干扰性能进行了仿真,给出了仿真结果。

    This paper simulates the JTIDS network with the software OPNET , and some simulation results are given at the end .

  7. 在深入研究HLA分布式仿真技术与OPNET平台仿真机制的基础上,将HLA分布式仿真技术与OPNET网络仿真平台相结合,提出了军事通信网分布式仿真的体系结构。

    Based on the study of HLA and the mechanism of OPNET platform , this paper introduces the architecture of distributed tactical communication network simulation which is a combination of the former two technologies .

  8. 军事通信网中,优先权问题广泛存在。

    The priority problem widely exists in military communication network .

  9. 军事通信网可靠性研究进展与系统的分析评估

    Review and System Analysis of Military Communication Network Reliability

  10. 一种对军事通信网性能的仿真方法研究

    Study on a Kind of the Simulation Methods of the Military Communication Network Performance

  11. 军事通信网仿真研究

    Simulation Research about Military Communication Network

  12. 本文在介绍两种综合评估方法的同时,提出了一种新的可靠性综合评估方法&综合评分法。该方法可应用于军事通信网的规划和决策。

    The paper provides three methods of reliability synthetical evaluation for military communication networks programming and decision .

  13. 军事通信网规划方案评估是一个十分复杂的问题,涉及的很多因素具有随机性和模糊性。

    To evaluate the layout scheme of military communications network effectiveness , which is related to so many incomplete and vague factors , is a complex question .

  14. 在对军事通信网的特殊网络环境进行深入分析的基础上,给出了综合网管平台的建设策略和建设原则。

    Based on the particular analysis of the peculiar condition of the military communication network , some strategy and principles concerning construction of the platform are presented .

  15. 现代战争对军事通信网提出了更高的要求,军事通信网正向着数字化、综合化、智能化、宽带化等方面发展。

    Modern warfare sets a higher requirement for military communications network , which is in the process of being digital , integrated , intelligent , and broadband and other aspects .

  16. 军事通信网的核心是地域通信网,研究地域通信网的对抗对于我军武力攻敌时,在战场上取得制电子权、制信息权的绝对优势是非常必要的。

    The Field Communication Network is the core of the Military Communication Network , research the network countermine which made us easy to obtain the absolute control of the power of electronic and information in the battle .

  17. 随着军事通信网的发展,下一代通信系统不仅要支持低/高速数据、图象等非话音业务,而且还要支持多媒体业务的传输。

    With the development of military communication network , the next generation communication system need not only to support low / high speed data , image and other non-voice traffic , but also to support multimedia traffic .

  18. 实现了将大规模的网络仿真负荷分担到多个仿真平台上,仿真过程的动态控制与仿真数据的实时显示,为大规模军事通信网仿真提供了参考。

    The architecture can distribute large simulation load on multiple platforms and archive the dynamic control of simulation process and the real-time display of simulation result . The architecture can be used as a reference for large scale tactical communication network simulation .

  19. 针对军事通信网的管理现状,提出了建设军事通信网络综合管理平台的概念,并分析了其主要功能和建设意义。

    According to the actualities of the military communication network , a conception that deals with the construction of synthetical NM platform of the military communication network is presented , while its main function and the meaning of construction are also analyzed .

  20. 移动IPv6及其在军事移动通信网中的应用

    Mobile IPv6 and Its Application in Military Mobile Communication Network

  21. 军事通信接入网中的网络管理

    Administration of Networks in Military Communication Access Networks

  22. 本文首先叙述了课题的背景,介绍了军事区域通信网和决策支持系统的概念和结构。

    After a brief introduction of the background of this paper and the concept of military communication network and decision support system .

  23. 军事通信IP核心网是我军军事通信系统的发展趋势,具体的组网技术尚处于摸索和尝试阶段。

    The military communication core-network trends to be an IP-based one . , so how to organize the system in warfare is still at the beginning of research and experiment .