
  • 网络Lucent China
  1. 阿尔卡特朗讯中国区致力于维持客户的信任与尊重。

    Alcatel-Lucent China is committed to maintaining our customers'trust and respect .

  2. 阿尔卡特朗讯中国区的资产(包含电子系统或设备)不可用于个人获利。

    Alcatel-Lucent China 's assets , including electronic systems or devices , may not be used for personal gain .

  3. 阿尔卡特朗讯中国区的员工,无论是团队还是个人,都对其行为、活动和结果负责。

    Alcatel-Lucent China 's employees are all accountable , individually and in teams , for their behavior , actions and results .

  4. 阿尔卡特朗讯中国区开展公正、有力的竞争,并在竞争中遵循适用的反不正当竞争法案,从而确保公司依靠实力提供产品和服务。

    Alcatel-Lucent China competes vigorously and fairly and complies with applicable anti-competition laws to ensure our goods and services are provided on their merits .

  5. 阿尔卡特朗讯中国区的每位员工都有责任正确地记录和报告财务数据,并确保财务记录的完整性。

    Each Alcatel-Lucent China 's employee is responsible for the accurate recording and reporting of financial data and the integrity of our financial records .

  6. 此政策适用于阿尔卡特朗讯中国区的所有业务组织、区域和职能部门,并适用于公司的所有员工、管理人员及高层主管。

    This policy applies to all business groups , regions and corporate functions , and to all employees , officers and directors of Alcatel-Lucent China .

  7. 有一次旅行,朗讯对中国来客没有参观工厂的解释是,在2001年的9/11恐怖袭击后,这些中国客人害怕到美国东海岸。

    For one trip , Lucent justified the absence of factory visits by saying that Chinese visitors had been afraid to travel to the East Coast following the attacks of September 11 2001 .

  8. 本论文所涉及的内容是朗讯科技(中国)公司的研发项目&超级分布式移位寄存器-S-DHLR(Super–DistributeHomeLocationRegister)的组成部分。

    The content in this thesis is an important element in Lucent Technologies ' Research and Development Project - S-DHLR ( Super – Distribute Home Location Register ) .

  9. 激烈竞争下的制胜之道&朗讯科技在中国的研发本土化战略

    Localization-Lua ent Technologies ' Winning Strategy in Fierce Competition in China

  10. 朗讯科技(中国)有限公司推行员工职业生涯发展规划制度。

    Lucent Technologies ( China ) implements the system of planning of development of the careers of staff .

  11. 《案例》:朗讯科技(中国)有限公司&管理创新:增强企业核心竞争力的有效办法

    Lucent Technologies ( China ) Co. , Ltd. & Management Innovation : an Effective Way of Enhancing Company 's Core Competence