
  • 网络from A to Z
  1. 国际速递服务提供给客户的是门到门(DoortoDoor)的服务,全程全网作业是国际速递公司的重要工作特征。Air(初三适用)

    International air express company provide door to door ( DTD ) service . Network cooperation is of great important for such kind of companies .

  2. 努力构建具有广电特色全程全网的运行维护体系

    Establishing the Network Operation System Provided with Radio & Television Feature

  3. 但是,专业网管系统之间相互割裂,不能实现全程全网的运行调度。

    However , the professional split between the network management system , scheduling can not run the whole network .

  4. 由于通信网络的全程全网性和复杂性,在故障处理的过程中,需要相关维护环节协同工作,并且要以控制全程的处理时间,缩短业务影响时间,作为工作的主要目标。

    Since the whole network of communication networks and complexity ,, in fault handling process each , it needs network maintenance work together .

  5. 点多面广、全程全网、品牌和信誉等行业优势,使邮政主渠道的位置成为不争的事实。

    The Post has the industrial superiority of wide coverage , brand and credibility , which makes the Post " main channel " position to become the fact that does not dispute .

  6. 从全程全网的经营管理、中国电信的发展和普遍服务的意义上来考虑,农村电信应全部无偿地划为中国电信集团所有。

    Considering the overall network operation and management , telecom development conditions , and universal services , the rural telecom should be assigned to the China Telecom Group in its entirety without compensation .

  7. 显然,开展全业务的前提就是要建设一张全程全网、可管可控的网络,双向网络的改造就成了目前有线电视网络建设中至关重要的环节。

    Obviously , it is necessary to build a controllable network in order to carry out the whole business . Therefore , bi-directional network transformation has become a vital component in the cable network construction .

  8. 而通讯网络产业全程全网、连通作业、服务全社会的基本特性,又决定了运营商只有互联互通才能实现网络效率、社会福利的最大化。

    The character of communications network industry , like " the whole process , the whole net "," connection operation "" service of society ", determines the only way for the operators to achieve to maximization of network efficiency and social welfare is interconnection .

  9. 全业务、全程、全网的高实时性服务,对CRM系统提出了更高的要求。

    The real - time service based on Full service , Full value chain and full network gives more higher demand on CRM system .

  10. 保证局数据的标准化、集中化是保障全程、全网服务的重要内容之一。

    Bureau Data which is standardized and centralized is one important part in the service of the entire network .

  11. 与已投入使用的九七工程等支撑系统相配合,本地计费帐务系统可向用户提供全程、全网的、及时、准确、统一的服务。

    The service system of local accounting can provide the customers with " the whole process , the whole net ", quick , accurate and the same service .