
  • 网络public network;Internet;PSTN;CHINANET
  1. 公用网ATM交换系统

    Public Network ATM Switching System

  2. 介绍了使用数字视频专用网传输平台完成苏州全市光纤干线的联网,提出了分阶段建成SDH公用网的方案。

    Using the transmission platform of digital video private network to perform fiber optic networking in Suzhou City is introduced and a scheme on establishing SDH public network in a step by step way is proposed .

  3. 公用网应用于GPS车辆定位系统数据传输的分析研究

    Research into Data Transmitting when Public Net is Applied into Vehicle Location System of GPS

  4. ATM基本技术及其在公用网应用的主要难点

    Fundamental ATM Technology and Major Problems of Its Application in Public Networks

  5. 本文介绍了ATM网络的基本结构以及ATM专用网和ATM公用网交换机;

    In this paper , the ATM network architecture and ATM switches for the private and public ATM networks are described .

  6. 网络操作、管理与维护(OAM)在公用网中非常重要,它能够提高网络可靠性,简化操作,降低网络运行成本。

    OAM ( Operation , Administration and Maintenance ) functionality is important in public net - works for ease of network operation , for verifying network performance and to reduce network operating costs .

  7. 与传统的租借DDN和FR等专用线路相比,在Internet或者其他的公用网之上建立安全的虚拟拨号网络(VPDN),可以为企业节省大量的通信费用和管理费用。

    Compared with the conven-tional dedicated lines such as leasing DDN and FR , establishing secure Vir-tual Private Dialing Network ( VPDN ) over Internet or other public networks can save a lot of communications fees and management costs for the enter-prises .

  8. 介绍iDEN数字集群网络的系统结构、技术特点及基本功能,比较该网与其他公用网之间的区别,分析其在物流车辆导航应用中的技术优势。

    This paper introduces the architecture , techniques and basic functions of iDEN digital trunking system . It expounds differences between iDEN and other public network , analyzes the technical advantage of iDEN on location and navigation of logistics vehicles .

  9. 以PRE-ISDN为远程骨干把LAN、ISLN、电话网互连成一体网络,可以实现LNN、电话两种业务在公用网和局域网之间的全面互通,具有广阔的应用前景,而成本却十分低廉。

    To connect LANs , ISLNs and telephony networks into an organic network by using PRE-ISDN as a backbone , the overall interworking for LAN , telephone two services between LAN , public two type networks can be achieved with wide useful future while keeping cost low .

  10. 基于公用网的网络火控平台构建技术

    Construction of network fire control platform based on public communication networks

  11. 煤炭专用通信网与公用网中继方式的探讨

    Approach on relay fashion of coal special communication net and public net

  12. 提供数据传输业务的公用网之间的分组交换信令系统

    Packet-switched signalling system between public networks providing data transmission services

  13. 802.11无线局域网与公用网的连接方式探讨

    Discussion of Connect Between 802.11 WLAN and Internet

  14. 公用网中的用户安全存取控制方案

    Secure User Access Control for Pubic Networks

  15. 根据公钥密码技术,提出了一种适用于公用网系统的用户存取控制方案。

    Based on public key cryptographic techniques , this peper presents a secure user access control scheme for public networks .

  16. 它将专用网建立在公用网基础上,通过相关的安全技术实现移动用户与企业网,各分支机构与总部及企业与合作伙伴之间的安全通信。

    VPN builds private network on public network , and it applies correlative security technologies to realize the security communication between mobile uses and intranet , each branch office and enterprise headquarter , enterprise and cooperative fellows .

  17. 上个世纪九十年代,中国建立了中国学术网、中国教育科研网、中国科技网、中国公用网、中国金桥信息网等网络。

    Since 90 ~ ( th ) of last century , China has established Chinese Academic Web , Chinese Education Scientific Research Web , Chinese Technology Web , Chinese Public Network , Chinese Golden Bridge Information Web and so on .

  18. 有线通信主要包括局域网、Internet网、公用电话网;

    The wired communication includes LAN Internet and telephone network .

  19. 公用通信网IP(互联网协议)化和宽带化的发展趋势必将深刻地影响智能建筑中的通信技术。

    IP and wide-band technology applied in Public telecommunication profoundly affects communication technology in intelligent building .

  20. WINDOWSnt设备驱动程序中对公用电话网信号的识别

    Recognization for Signals of Public Phone Network in Windows NT Device Driver

  21. 利用卫星互联网系统在农村地区提供接入服务时,还需要提供能够接入公用电话网的IP电话业务。

    We have discussed the requisition for utilizing satellite internet to offer IP telephone service in chapter five , introduced the suitable numbering scheme .

  22. 系统利用MODEM、公用电话网和累加、检验通信算法进行数据传输。

    The system utilized MODEM , public telephone network and accumulation , examining the communication algorithm to transmit the data .

  23. 利用单片机与MODEM接口,通过公用电话网可以实现单片机系统的远程通讯。

    Using the interface between single-chip computer and MODEM long-distance communication of single-chip computer system is completed with common telephone net .

  24. 为实现对罐身电阻焊机的远程故障诊断,研制了一种基于公用电话网与PLC的专家系统。

    In order to implement fault diagnosis of can-body resistance welding machine in long-distance , an expert system based on PSTN and PLC was developed .

  25. 远程诊断系统运用传真通信原理,利用公用电话网PSTN实现数据传输。

    The remote diagnosis system uses the PSTN to transmit data based on the Fax theory .

  26. 技术上说,VPN是指将物理上分布在不同地点的网络,通过公用骨干网连接而形成的逻辑上的虚拟子网。

    In technology , VPN means the networks locating in the different places are connected by main public networks , which shape the logic networks .

  27. 使用公用电话网(PSTN)的远程分布式集中监测系统可以实时可靠地监测铁路沿线探测设备的主要技术参数。

    The main technical parameters of the detection equipment along the railway line can be monitored in real time and reliably .

  28. 随着信息技术的发展,公用电话网(PSTN)提供的单一话音服务已不能满足人们的需要,如何在PSTN上为人们提供多媒体服务成为一个普遍关注的问题。

    As the development of Information Technology , a single phonetic service supported by PSTN can no longer meet people 's needs .

  29. 二层隧道技术则是一种利用公用数据网建立通信隧道实现对公用数据网两端的第2层协议(特别是PPP)进行中继的组建第2层VPN的方法。

    The layer 2 tunneling technique is one of the VPN techniques , which is dedicated to ferry the layer 2 protocols through public data networks .

  30. 本课题针对热力站管理运行特点,研制成功基于PSTN公用电话网的分布式计算机远程监测系统。

    Now we have researched and developed a distributed computer monitoring system based on PSTN for heating power stations in this graduate program .