
  • 网络public key authentication;public-key authentication
  1. 通过推导和工具的互补检验,证明了InstantiationSpace逻辑及其工具SPV在公钥认证协议验证中的正确性和可靠性。

    It draws the conclusion that Instantiation Space logic and it 's automatic tool SPV is correct and efficient in public key authentication protocols .

  2. 同时,算不得是改进的是,Net::SSH库支持公钥认证。

    Also , while not truly an enhancement , the Net : : SSH library does support the use of public key authentication .

  3. InstantiationSpace逻辑在公钥认证协议形式化分析中的应用

    The Application of Instantiation Space Logic in Formal Analysis of Public Key Authentication Protocols

  4. 基于模型检测的NS公钥认证协议分析

    Analysis of Needham-Schroeder Symmetric Key Authentication Protocol Based on Model Checking

  5. NS公钥认证协议的另一个改进方法

    Another Modification of NS Public-key Authentication Protocol

  6. 一种基于RSA签名的多KAC公钥认证模式

    A multi-kac_s key authentification scheme based on RSA signature

  7. OpenSSH支持两种类型的加密,即基于主机的认证和公钥认证。

    OpenSSH supports two types of encryption , namely host-based authentication and public-key authentication .

  8. 在Kerberos公钥认证的基础上,考虑到Kerberos服务器在认证请求增多的时候,由于采用了公钥算法,可能会出现的计算性能瓶颈问题。

    As authentication request amount increased with centralized Kerberos server and public key cryptography 's time complexity , a computing neck bottle maybe occur potentially .

  9. BSW逻辑在公钥认证协议设计中的应用及改进

    Improvement of BSW logic in public-key authentication protocol design

  10. TPM设计包含公钥认证功能、完整性度量功能和证明功能,能够抵御恶意软件破坏、非法入侵并可以证明平台自身的完整可信。

    TPM through public key authentication function and show that the functional measure against malicious software damage , illegal invasion the platform to the user that the integrity of its own credibility .

  11. 在进行公理推导的基础上,本文还利用工具SPV对更多的公钥认证协议进行了自动化验证,与协议推导取得了一致的验证结果。

    On the ground of deduction , the paper chose a more serials of public key authentication protocols to use the tool SPV for automatic verification , and got expected results .

  12. 与基于证书的公钥认证方式相比,基于标识的组合公钥算法CPK,公钥认证简单,具有超大规模密钥管理能力。

    Compared with the method of public key verification based on certificate , identity based combined public key algorithm has the merit of verifying public key simply and the ability of super large-scale key management .

  13. 基于自证明公钥认证的数字签名方案

    A digital signature scheme based on self-certified public key authentication

  14. 单向函数在公钥认证协议中的作用

    Action of one-way function in public-key authentication protocols

  15. 一种公钥认证的网络管理安全机制

    A PKI-based Security Mechanism of Network Management

  16. 基于完全分布式的认证中心,可以直接采用几乎所有的标准公钥认证协议。

    Based on the absolute distributed certificate authority almost any standard public-key-based authentication protocol could be adopted directly .

  17. 介绍了在虚拟专用网中利用RFC2535DNS安全扩展进行公钥认证的原理。

    The principle of using DNS security extension for public key distribution in virtual private network is introduced .

  18. 利用该逻辑对两种改进的公钥认证协议进行形式化分析,说明带密钥的单向函数所提供的两种安全服务能够保证公钥认证协议的安全。

    Two improved public-key authentication protocols were analysed by the extended logic . It shows that one-way function offers the necessary secure services for public-key authentication protocols .

  19. 公钥认证体制中认证机构和其它实体使用证书管理协议进行交互,完成证书管理功能。

    In Public Key Infrastructure , Certificate Authorities use certificate management protocol to communicate with other entities , in order to implement the function of certificate management .

  20. 通过网络模拟实验验证,在同等情况下,本文中设计的认证协议与其它公钥认证协议相比可有效地缩短认证时延、延长网络生命期。

    By network simulation , we come to the conclusion that compared with other public key authentication protocols , the proposed authentication protocols can effectively shorten the authentication delay and prolong the life time of the network .

  21. 本文在BAN逻辑的基础上,提出了一种适用于公钥密码认证系统的逻辑,这是一种共享的方案,并举例说明了其应用。

    In this paper , a logic hased on BAN for authentication for public-key cryptography is proposed , which is a logic of shared information . Applications are demonstrated by examples .

  22. 为此,提出了基于组合公钥的认证协议作为安全机制,实现安全的密钥建立和认证,并使用BAN逻辑,分析了该协议的安全性。

    We propose an authentication protocol based on identity as the security scheme , which can achieve the key establishment and security authentication . The security of the authentication protocol is analyzed based on BAN logic .

  23. 一种基于公钥加密认证的新协议

    A New Authentication Protocol Based on Public Key Encryption

  24. 为了保证本系统的安全性,本论文结合基于口令和公钥的认证模式,设计了一种新型的身份认证方法。

    To guarantee the system safe , this thesis designed a new kind of Identity certification method based on the mode of keywords and public-key certification .

  25. 非对称密码用于解决大规模通信网络安全问题时,存在公钥的认证和海量密钥管理问题。

    Using asymmetric cryptography to resolve the secure problems in large-scale communication networks , there are the problems of public key verification and massive communication key management .

  26. 基于组合公钥的WSN认证协议的设计及分析

    Design and Analysis of Combined Public Key based Authentication Protocol for WSN

  27. 基于公钥的3G认证和密钥分配协议局域网中的密钥管理协议及其安全性分析

    Authentication and key agreement of 3G mobile communication system based on public key Key Management Protocol and Security for LAN

  28. 然而,我们需要将客户机配置为信任签署服务器的公钥证书的认证中心(CA)。

    However , we 'll need to configure the client to trust the certificate authority ( CA ) that signed the server 's public key certificate .

  29. 针对移动Agent的安全问题,简要介绍了几种常用的安全认证技术,并在公钥密码体制认证方案的基础上,提出并实现了一种可用于移动Agent和Agent平台之间安全认证的方案。

    Considering the security problems of mobile Agent , several security authentication methods are introduced . On the base of the public encryption system authentication scheme , a security authentication scheme , which can be used between mobile Agent and Agent workstation , is proposed and realized .

  30. S/MIME、TLS协议采用基于公钥证书的认证机制,提供认证信息的私密性、不可抵赖性与完整性保护,是一种较好的安全解决方法。

    Based on the authentication mechanism of the public key certificate , S / MIME and TLS provide privacy , authentication , no denying and integrality protection , are better solutions .