
  • 网络Domain Integrity
  1. 本文阐述在VISUALFOXPRO中,如何保证数据库系统的数据完整性,即怎样设置实体完整性、域完整性、参照完整性。

    This article elaborated how to guarantee the data integrality of the database system , that is how to establishing the entity integrity , the domain integrity , the reference integrity , in the Visual Foxpro environment .

  2. 域完整性指特定列的项的有效性。

    Domain integrity is the validity of entries for a specific column .

  3. 此子系统不仅能处理域完整性约束,还能对较复杂的关系完整性约束进行控制。

    This subsystem can process not only the domain constraints , but also the complex relation constraints .

  4. 在转换过程中保证了数据的实体完整性、域完整性以及引用完整性。

    In the conversion process , it ensures the entity integrity of the data , domain integrity and referential integrity .

  5. 针对该模型的不足,本文增加了一个新的描述实体完整性状态的特征域&完整性特征域,并提出了它的形式化定义。

    Integrity , multiplicity , dependency , and inheritance , in which the characteristic dimension ' integrity ' is to describe the integrity status of objects , and then the integral definition of our model is presented .

  6. 频率域中基桩完整性定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis on Pile Foundation 's Perfection in Frequency Domain

  7. 针对压缩域视频流的完整性认证问题,提出了一种基于压缩传感(CS)的视频水印算法。

    For the problem of integrity authentication about compressed video streams , this paper proposed a video watermarking algorithm based on Compressive Sensing ( CS ) .

  8. 分析师使用这些推断和基本频率分布来评估域或列的完整性,并报告得到的发现。

    The analyst works with these inferences as well as the basic frequency distribution to assess the integrity of the domain or column and report findings .

  9. 通过对桩基瞬态激振频率的研究,提出了在频率域中进行桩基完整性定量分析的新方法。

    By researching the transient state of the motivated vibration ′ s frequency , this paper puts forward a new method to analyse quantitatively the perfection of pile foundation in frequency domain .