
  • 网络Common Edge
  1. 在GIS众多应用中,多边形公共边的提取具有很大的现实意义,但Arc/Info没有提供直接提取的命令。

    The extraction of common border of polygons has great practical significance in many GIS applications . However Arc / Info does not offer directly commands to accomplish such application .

  2. 第二部分主要讨论了极小圈没有公共边的多圈图的度距离和Wiener指数的一些性质。

    In the second chapter , we mainly discuss some extremal properties of Wiener index and degree distance of polycyclic graphs .

  3. 至多有两个无公共边圈的有根平面地图计数

    Enumeration of Rooted Planar Maps Having at Most Two Edge-disjoint Circuits

  4. 如果两个国家的边界有公共边,则说它们是相邻的。

    Two countries are neighbouring if their boundaries have an edge in common .

  5. 通过定义三角网格模型中的两个以公共边相连的三角形构成一个空间四边形,提出了一种新的基于这种空间四边形折叠的网格简化算法。

    This paper presents a method to define the quadrangle in the triangle mesh and puts forward a new mesh simplification algorithm based on quadrangle collapse .

  6. 这个算法首先考虑对每个域中的边编码,然后再处理公共边,其优点是可扩展性强,而且可以作为线性局域组播的构造算法,从而也是线性组播的构造算法。

    This algorithm encodes the channels in each local area Fi , and then processes the public channels . The expansibility of this algorithm is very strong . The algorithm can also be used to construct linear local-area multicast and linear multicast .

  7. 1787年,乔治三世、夏洛特王后和威尔士亲王在公共水槽边狼吞虎咽。

    James Gillray . 1787 . George III , Queen Charlotte , and the Prince of Wales gorging at the public trough .

  8. 湖南地区公共建筑的边庭空间节能量化设计分析

    A Research into the Quantitative Energy-saving Design of Side-opened Space in Public Architectures in Hunan Province