
  1. 介绍了日本汽车标准化协会(JASO)对汽车接近角、离去角和纵向通过角的定义。

    In this paper the definitions of approach angle , departure engle and ramp angle of a motor vehicle defined by Japan Automobile Standardization Organization ( JASO ) are presented .

  2. 推导了AGV设计中的三个主要算法:通过角速率陀螺仪信号计算AGV的运动方向角的算法、AGV直线行走纠偏算法以及AGV电子地图上设定路径到AGV运动命令字符串的生成算法;

    Three main algorithms in AGV design were given : AGV movement direction angle calculation through the signal of angular velocity gyroscope , deviation rectification algorithm for AGV straight movement , and algorithm for getting the AGV movement command string from a path given at AGV digital map .

  3. 波尔说能量通过角动量,被量子化。

    Bohr says that the energy is quantized through its angular momentum .

  4. 通过角点检测和模板匹配从而实现车辆检测。

    It applied corner point detection and template matching method for vehicle detection .

  5. 汽车接近角、离去角和纵向通过角的测量

    Measurement of Approach , Departure and Ramp Angles

  6. 波尔阐明了他的量子理条件,通过角动量,和以下的量子条件进行量子化。

    Bohr expressed the quantum condition by the angular momentum , quantum condition in the following manner .

  7. 通过角编码器的编码值来测量闸门高度,通过功率和力的物理学关系来间接测量系统荷载值。

    Through the Angle of coding value to measure coder gate height through power and force of physics relationship to indirect measuring system load value .

  8. 角点检测算法对图像进行角点检测,通过角点概率密度改进全局角点的计算时间问题。

    Corner detection algorithm takes comer detection for image , through probability density of the corner points to improve the time issue of overall comers calculation .

  9. 可以通过角速率值的时间积分来估计当前的横滚角度,前提是没有误差的累积。

    You can approximate the current roll angle by integrating the roll rate over time , but you can 't do so without some error creeping in .

  10. 通过角谱方法归纳了晶体中寻常光(o光)和非常光(e光)传输的解析表达式,并且得到了傍轴近似的矢量传输模型。

    Through the method of angular spectrum , summarize the analytical expression of the propagation of ordinary light and extraordinary light in the crystal media , and obtain the vector propagation model of paraxial approximation .

  11. 并通过接触角、XPS等方法对接枝效果进行检测。

    Contact angle and XPS were employed to evaluate grafting effects .

  12. 通过接触角测试、BSA吸附实验检测纳米纤维的生物相容性。

    The biocompatibility of nanofibers was proved by water contact angle measurement and BSA adsorption experiment testing .

  13. 通过小角X射线散射SAXS技术确认干湿刷相分离状态。

    Using the small Angle X-ray scattering ( SAXS ) technology confirm the wet and dry brush phase separation condition .

  14. 等离子体改性前后PVC的表面特性通过接触角、表面张力、X-光电子能谱(XPS)、电子自旋共振(ESR)表征。

    Surface properties of PVC were characterized by the contact angle , surface tension , X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy ( XPS ) and electron spin resonance ( ESR ) .

  15. 每个Mo3O(13)簇与PO4(GeO4)四面体通过共角相连。

    The groups of MO_3O_ ( 13 ) are linked to each other to the central PO_4 ( GeO_4 ) tetrahedron by sharing corners .

  16. 基于假设只有纯TEM波传播和零色散的情况下,通过保角变换得到了特性阻抗和有效介电常数的闭合形式的解析表达式。

    Analytical closed form expressions for characteristic impedance and effective dielectric constant for the new line are obtained using conformal mapping method under the assumption of pure TEM propagation and zero dispersion .

  17. 通过检测角点获得耳朵特征点,讨论了采用随机采样一致性(RandomSampleConsensus,RANSAC)算法进行基础矩阵求解以自动匹配特征点时出现的问题。

    Use corner detection algorithm to get ear features , discuss the problem of using random sample consensus ( RANSAC ) algorithm to solve fundamental matrix for automatic ear feature matching .

  18. 通过小角X射线衍射、高分辨率透射电镜和氮气物理吸附测试的表征,确定制得的SiC基陶瓷材料分别是它们模板的反转复制品,具有与其模板相似的结构对称性。

    The obtained SiC-based ceramics are exactly the inverse replicas of their templates and possess similar structural symmetries to their templates , as characterized by small angle X-ray diffraction ( XRD ), high-resolution transmission electron microscope ( TEM ) images and nitrogen sorption measurements .

  19. 编码器(来自Alps-我见过的最小的)放在PCB的槽中,通过六角管道连在表柄上。

    The encoder ( from Alps-the tiniest I have ever seen ) sits in the slot milled in the PCB , and connects to the stem via a hexagonal channel sized to fit its square end , milled by hand .

  20. 重点确定了PAA薄膜合适的拉伸条件,以及PAA薄膜拉伸对PI薄膜力学性能的影响,并通过小角激光散射、DSC等方法研究了拉伸引起的薄膜结构的改变。

    Mainly we make sure the proper qualification of stretching film , the influence of drawing on the properties of PI film , and then through Small Angle Laser Scattering ( SALS ) and DSC , we analyse the influence of stretching on the microcosmic structure of PI .

  21. 通过接触角、Young-Good-Girifalco-Fowke方程测定研究了FOX-7的表面能以及氟聚合物溶液对FOX-7的润湿性能。

    The surface energy of FOX-7 and the soaking effect of fluoropolymer FOX-7 were studied in comparison with TATB by ( using ) the contact angles and Young-Good-Girifalco-Fowkes ( YGGF ) equation .

  22. 本文通过Harris角点、SIFT特征获得特征点并应用改进的Hausdorff距离,提出了基于Harris及SIFT(Scale-invariantFeatureTransform)特征的Hausdorff距离方法来实现图像配准。

    In this paper , I get the feature points by using the Harris corner , SIFT features and the application of improved Hausdorff distance , I proposed the Hausdorff distance image registration based on the Harris and SIFT ( Scale-invariant feature transform ) features to achieve the image registration .

  23. 通过超前角控制,使电磁力矩达到最大值。

    Through lead angle control the electric-magnetic torque reaches maximum value .

  24. 并通过接触角测定、多媒体显微镜、红外对接枝样品的表面进行了分析。

    The AAc-grafted polyolefine paper was characterized by microscope , contact angles .

  25. 主要是通过接触角温度粘度的对应关系曲线,间接地测定不同温度下玻璃体的粘度值。

    The result was obtained through the contact angle-temperature-viscosity curves .

  26. 地球上的方向是通过方位角测定的。

    Direction on the sphere is measured by azimuths .

  27. 通过接触角测定表征,证明已达到改性效果。

    Hydrophobicity was characterized by contact angle measurement .

  28. 通过接触角的测定研究了自洁净玻璃的亲水性能。

    The hydrophilic property of the self-cleaning glass was studied by measuring the contact angle .

  29. 术后3个月散瞳后通过房角镜观察人工晶体的固定位置。

    The loop fixation of IOL was observed by gonioscopy after mydriasis 3 months after the operation .

  30. 通过接触角测量研究了丙烯酸含氟共聚物的表面能随含氟基团含量的变化。

    The facial energy of fluoro-containning poly ( acrylic acid ) was studied through touch angle testing .