
huì fèi
  • membership fees;membership dues;tax
会费 [huì fèi]
  • [membership dues;tax] 为支付开支,对一个团体的成员征收的金额

会费[huì fèi]
  1. 他们从我的工资中扣下80元钱交工会会费。

    They kept back 80 dollars from my wages for trade union membership dues .

  2. 第三条中华人民共和国公民,不分民族、种族、性别、职业、宗教信仰、教育程度,承认中国红十字会章程并缴纳会费的,可以自愿参加红十字会。

    Article 3 All citizens of the People 's Republic of China who , regardless of ethnic of the Red Cross Society of China and pay membership dues , may join the Society on a voluntary basis .

  3. 交纳会费并不能使你自动成为会员。

    Paying a fee doesn 't automatically qualify you for membership .

  4. 从明年开始将提高会费。

    Subs will be raised as from next year .

  5. 在一月最后期限前联合国180个成员国只有18个缴纳了会费。

    Only 18 of the UN 's 180 members had paid their dues by the January deadline .

  6. 他到各个办公室去收会费。

    He went round the various offices to collect the dues .

  7. 俱乐部成员一致通过决议提高会费。

    The club members voted with one accord to raise the dues .

  8. 我们不理解为什么为了一颗螺帽他会费这么大事。

    We could not understand why he went to so much trouble for a single nut .

  9. 每一位俱乐部成员必须在赛季结束以前缴清会费。

    Every club member must pay up his membership money before the end of the season .

  10. 会费应交给俱乐部秘书

    Payment of subscriptions should be made to the club secretary .

  11. 那家俱乐部点名批评了不按时缴会费的会员。

    The club plans to name and shame members who do not pay their membership fees on time .

  12. LiveTV服务仅对XboxLive金牌会员开放,目前会费为每年60美元,另外用户还需向有线电视商付费。

    The service is available with a gold Xbox Live membership , now at $ 60 a year , plus fees to cable providers .

  13. 注册成为VIP会员,每年缴纳会费¥299.00元,预订即可享有4%优惠。

    Become VIP member and pay annually fee ¥ 299.00 , could get4 % discount for every booking .

  14. 拥有数百家小型收费网站的GlobalPersonals首席执行官罗斯•威廉姆斯(RossWilliams)认为会员不会舍不得支付会费。

    Ross Williams , CEO of Global Personals , which owns hundreds of niche subscription sites , believes members will not cut back .

  15. vt.使成赤贫反:enrich使富足,使丰富会费只增加十分钱,不会使任何会员变穷。

    impoverish The increase in dues is only 10 cents . It will not impoverish any member .

  16. 一个AppHub账号收取每年99美元会费,这是必须的,如果想向WindowsPhoneMarketplace提交应用程序。

    An App Hub account has a $ 99 / year membership fee and it is required if one wants to submit an application to the Windows Phone Marketplace .

  17. 在英国,streetcar每小时收费4.75英镑,不收会费。

    In the UK , streetcar charges 4.75 an hour , with no membership fee .

  18. 如果请求的是特定的软件,则将基于客户租户ID、支付会费、使用该特定软件的资格以及软件的租赁期完成验证步骤。

    If the request is for a particular software , authentication steps are done based on the customer tenant ID , payment dues , eligibility to use a particular software , and the lease period for the software .

  19. 若干的实证研究表明,NGO主要有三大资金来源:一是政府的投入,二是会费及服务收费,三是社会捐赠。

    Many demonstration researches indicate that NGOs mainly have three great capital sources : in - vestments of government , the membership dues and the service charge , social donations .

  20. GUI测试执行,GUI软件一般规模庞大,测试套件中涵盖的测试用例个数众多,手工测试会费时费力。

    The scale of GUI software is always vast , and the number of testing cases in its test suite is so many that it will waste time and energy using the way of manual testing .

  21. 首先你必须支付10美元会费,没有任何免费体验选项可供选择,不过你可以随时取消会员资格。支付会费后,Oyster就会提示你选择5本书开始阅读。

    Only once you 've paid your $ 10 there is no free test-drive option , but you can cancel membership at any time will it ask you to choose five books to start with .

  22. 房贷或许比房租低,但你还得支付税费、保险费,以及日益增长的业主协会(HOA)会费。

    The mortgage may be less than rent , but there are also taxes , insurance , and the increasingly common Home Owners Association ( HOA ) fees .

  23. 如果没有RTW这样的法律,工会就可以坚持让所有的员工都应缴纳会费,帮助为和雇主就工作合同谈判所需的费用筹钱,不管这些员工是否愿意正式加入工会。

    Without such laws unions can insist that all workers pay dues to help fund the cost of negotiating a contract with an employer , whether or not they wish to formally join the union .

  24. (一)红十字会会员缴纳的会费;

    Membership dues paid by members of the Red Cross Society ;

  25. 第二十六条交纳会费是工会会员的义务。

    It is union members obligation to pay the membership dues .

  26. 这个社团成员每年付1000美元的会费。

    Members of the society pay $ 1000 in annual dues .

  27. 像是商会会费那些本不必要的开支

    union fees , money we don 't have to spend .

  28. 他们很久以前就缴齐了今年的会费。

    They all paid their subscriptions for this year , long ago .

  29. 目前,大多数工会都从会员那里收缴会费。

    Most labor unions now collect a political levy from their members .

  30. 年会费交纳期限为每年1月31日前,由球会按期收缴。

    Annual fee will be charged before January31st every year .