
huì xīn
  • understanding;knowing
会心 [huì xīn]
  • [understanding] 领悟于心

  • 会心的微笑

会心[huì xīn]
  1. 他对我会心地一笑。

    He gave me an understanding smile .

  2. 揭开覆盖在面部的朽布,一个年轻美丽的姑娘,双目紧闭,嘴角微翘,就像着了魔法刚刚睡去,脸上浮现着神秘会心的微笑。

    Open coverage in the face of rotten cloth , a beautiful young girl , eyes closed , mouth Wei Qiao , just like the magic of sleep , his face an emerging understanding of the mysterious smile .

  3. 他会心地拍了拍前额。

    He tapped his forehead knowingly .

  4. 然后垒球教练喊道:"有人会心肺复苏术吗?"心肺复苏术是一种救生技术。

    Then the softball coach shouted out , " Does anyone know CPR ? " CPR is a life-saving technique .

  5. 曾出演《加油》和《伦敦东区》的女演员芭芭拉·温莎是这项活动的赞助人,该活动由Jackpotjoy.com新成立的FacebookFUNdation基金举办,旨在征集一些能让大家会心一笑的方案,网站会为评选出来的方案提供资金。

    Former Carry On and EastEnders actress Barbara Windsor , who saw the duck off at West India Dock is patron of Jackpotjoy . com 's new Facebook FUNdation , part of a marketing campaign to grant funds to people who have good ideas to make people laugh .

  6. 这是一场令人目眩神迷的盛会,到场的全是媒体和艺术界的大腕。当这部电视剧的创作者阿伦•索尔金(AaronSorkin)温和地宣布,这部作品是给传媒界的“情书”时,来宾们发出会心的轻笑。

    This was a glitzy , fascinating affair , full of big names in the media and arts , who duly purred with pleasure when Aaron Sorkin , the series ' creator , silkily declared that his show was intended as a " love letter " to the media world .

  7. 当你饶有兴致地构想这些形象时,你甚至有可能露出会心的微笑。

    Perhaps you even smiled as you had fun doing this .

  8. 办公桌旁的老太婆会心地斜睨了她一眼。

    The old lady at the desk leered at her knowingly .

  9. 它们会心地摇动着树枝,相互默默地打着手势。

    They shake their branches tacitly as gesture to each other silently .

  10. 如果我是她我也会心生妒忌的

    If I were her , I would feel the same way .

  11. 嗅嗅和匆匆会心地笑了,并且赞许地点了点头。

    Sniff and Scurry laughed . They nodded their heads in admiration .

  12. 感物·会心·畅所&中国古代山水诗主体创作心理透视

    Appreciation of Ancient Landscape Poetry from the Perspective of Subject Creative Psychology

  13. 他朝我龇牙一笑,好像彼此会心领略一个笑话。

    He grin at me , as if sharing a secret joke .

  14. 我们三人会心地笑了,但只好抿着嘴笑。

    All three of us broke out into gay but cautious laughter .

  15. 所以从这个角度来讲,我们应该给出会心一笑。

    And for that , we should smile a smile of understanding .

  16. 不只造型简单,还能让人会心一笑,这是。

    Not only simple , but also make you smile !

  17. 给你带来那不是会心的快乐。

    Maybe this is the distance between you and me .

  18. 即使挂着保险带你也会心颤肉跳。

    Even if we have safe belt will still feel wrought up .

  19. 母亲对孩子投来会心的一笑。2.

    Mother flashed a reassuring smile at the child .

  20. 他仍然会心平气和,宽容忍耐。只要一个人心平气和,你就没法叫他生气。

    When a man 's conscience is easy you can 't rattle him .

  21. 她说这些话时会心地笑了。

    She accompanied the words with a knowing smile .

  22. 在你会心微笑的时候,嘴角上就会透出一抹灿烂的阳光。

    Smile with your heart and the sunshine will be on your lips .

  23. 女孩对他使了个眼色,他会心一笑。

    He smiled a smile of understanding as the girl winked at him .

  24. 他会心地提及前一天晚上的发生的事。

    He made a sly reference to the events of the previous night .

  25. 吉尔伯特写的剧本,配上阿瑟·沙利文作的音乐,让听众们会心微笑。

    His words sung to Sir Arthur Sullivan 's music make listeners smile .

  26. 每一个演员在临到开始表演之前都会心惊腿震。

    Every actor have cold feet just before the begin of a show .

  27. 大家都会心地笑了起来,然后站起身来互道晚安。

    The group laughed and began saying their goodbyes .

  28. 有出门经验的人,连我在内,都四下环顾着,会心地笑了。

    All the experienced travelers , including me , looked around with knowing grins .

  29. 看着你轻盈的舞步,我会心的笑了&笑得那样甜。

    Looking at your lissom dance , I smile knowingly & and so sweet !

  30. 看到这样的场景你会如何评价?我猜大部分都是会心一笑吧。

    Maybe you will express a smile of understanding when you look at them .