
  • 网络Anger Management
  1. 辛被该电视剧组解雇了,但很快便以FX台的喜剧《愤怒管理》(AngerManagement)回归。

    Mr. Sheen was fired from the series , but he quickly returned with the FX comedy " Anger Management , " since canceled .

  2. 愤怒管理方面的权威专家MikeFisher解释了避免愤怒情绪爆发的方法。

    In this film leading anger management expert , Mike Fisher , explains his method for avoiding angry outbursts .

  3. 所谓的愤怒管理理论出现于20世纪70年代。

    The theory of anger management was developed in the 1970s .

  4. 往往问题处在愤怒管理上面。

    It 's anger management that can be a problem .

  5. 问题24通过介绍愤怒管理理论,我们可以了解到什么?

    Question 24 . What can be learned about the theory of anger management ?

  6. 一个愤怒管理项目或是一个理疗师可以帮助你化解你的怒气。

    An anger management program or a therapist can help you learn to defuse your rage .

  7. 这一咬引起了公众的不满,最终他被勒令去学习愤怒管理课程。

    The bite caused outrage and he was ordered to go on an anger management course .

  8. “愤怒管理”一词最早被引用是在1975年的《牛津英语词典》中。

    The first reference to the term cited by the Oxford English Dictionary comes in 1975 ,

  9. 由于深知压力大的工作可能引发坏脾气,一些职业更是提供未雨绸缪的愤怒管理项目。

    Aware that high-pressure jobs can make for hot tempers , some professions offer preemptive anger management .

  10. 如果你在一个有压力的环境下工作,让雇主提供愤怒管理课程。

    If you work in a stressful environment , ask your employer to offer anger management courses .

  11. 有很多新鲜空气,和开放的空地。日常课程是关于愤怒管理的。

    It has lots of fresh air and plenty of openspaces and daily classes in anger management .

  12. 他还需要专家帮助或参加正规愤怒管理班来帮助自己去掉这些习惯。

    He may also need professional help or a qualified anger management class to help him unlearn these behaviors .

  13. 愤怒管理的目标是减少由愤怒引起的情绪波动和生理反应。

    The goal of anger management is to reduce both your emotional feelings and the physiological arousal that anger causes .

  14. 但是,当你想要耍脾气的时候控制一下自己,这是愤怒管理的重要部分。

    But learning to control yourself when you 're about to have a tantrum is an important part of anger management .

  15. 愤怒管理班是教会人们如何以一个保持在控制范围内、健康的方式表达愤怒的一个途径。

    An anger management class is a way to teach people how to express their anger in a controlled , healthy way .

  16. 一项由英国愤怒管理协会所做的调查显示,大约有五分之一的女老板承认,曾经在工作中大吵大嚷或者出言不逊。

    A survey by the British Association of Anger Management reveals that a fifth of female bosses admit to shouting or being verbally abusive at work .

  17. 它会说,要遵守限速规定,随后会提供给我一些愤怒管理课程,告诉我参加这些课程对我有好处。

    Speed limits are there to be adhered to , it says , serving me up some anger management courses it suggests I might benefit from attending .

  18. 旨在帮助儿童和青少年进行愤怒管理、解决冲突和具备解决问题所必需的社会能力的生活技能和社会发展项目;

    Life skills and social development programmes designed to help children and adolescents manage anger , resolve conflict , and develop the necessary social skills to solve problems ;

  19. 胖红先生,鉴于你的罪行性质恶劣,我只能从重发落,对你判处法律规定范围内最严重的刑罚,接受愤怒管理课程。

    Mr. Red , given the severity of the crimes , I have no choice but to impose the maximum penalty allowed by the law . Anger management class .

  20. 据洛杉矶5月11日对他的听证结果(他没出席)显示,他已经完成了法院之前因为不当行为对他判处的12次愤怒管理课程。

    And the Canadian has completed 12 court ordered anger management classes to resolve the misdemeanor case filed against him , according to his hearing on Monday in Los Angeles , which he did not attend .

  21. 这种愤怒说明你就有愤怒管理上问题吗?大概没有。

    Do you have an anger management issue if that 's about the extent of your anger ? Probably not .

  22. 并不是每个愤怒的人都需要一个愤怒管理班。

    Not everyone who gets angry needs an anger management class .

  23. 看一看引起愤怒的原因,什么有些人出现暴怒,什么是愤怒管理及如何化解矛盾。

    Take a look at what causes anger , what makes some people snap , what anger management classes are all about and how to defuse conflicts .